How To Get Rid Of Sugar Cravings For Good


21 / AUGUST / 2024

Tired? You’ll crave sugar.
Hungry for too long? You’ll crave sugar
Stressed out? You’ll crave sugar

There’s not many instances where our body won’t crave sugar if we aren’t giving it what it needs. But your body isn’t trying to work against you…

See, sugar is a quick source of energy, it will pick up your blood sugars, goes directly to the brain and boom… you feel less tired, less hungry and often a little less stressed (because let’s face it, sugar is yum!)

BUT… here’s the catch. It doesn’t last long, and before you know it, you’re back feeling tired, hungry and probably more stressed because you wished you hadn’t indulged in all of that chocolate.


  1. Blood Sugar Dysregulation: aka you’re not eating to support your insulin levels, causing a blood sugar rollercoaster, driving moods, energy, hormones and hunger to be all over the show (and feel out of control)
  2. Gut Dysbiosis: a fancy way of saying you either have too little good bugs, too many bad bugs or a combination of both. It is often too many bad bugs that are driving the sugar cravings because that’s what feeds them and allows them to multiply
  3. Fight/Flight/Freeze: a wired, tired, or frozen nervous system means you’re operating out of a sympathetic state - aka survival. When we live here, we rely on glucose (sugar) to function and therefore need more and crave more carbs to help keep ourselves going and ‘calm’ or as close to it as possible.

None of these are optimal ways to be living, and many of the clients I work with are dealing with a combination of one or more of the above.


Since all of these root causes are a form of stress on the body, we want to help by mitigating the stress and calming down the system. We also know the more stressed we are, the more magnesium we use.

So we start by adding in extra magnesium to your diet, whether this is in the form of a supplement (ideally start with 300mg of magnesium bisglycinate - this is the most bioavailable form of magnesium and won't give you the runs). Or get a high quality dark chocolate with no nasty ingredients, at least 70% cocoa or cacao and very low in sugar (no artificial sweeteners either). Take this daily and watch your sugar cravings disappear.

Also for the month of September in the Conscious Wellness Collective our challenge is ‘CURB THE CRAVINGS’ click here for more info!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


How To Avoid Poor Sleep


7 / AUGUST / 2024

When clients come to me wanting to heal their gut health, balance their hormones, shift stubborn weight, they are always focused on food, and exercise. And I don’t blame them, but unless you get your sleep right, you really aren’t going to get anywhere with the other two.

Sleep literally affects every single physiological function in your body. By that I mean get enough sleep, every single thing your body does from how strong you are to how productive and happy you can be is enhanced. Skimp on sleep or deprive your body of sleep (even just one night), will negatively affect every single function in your body.

Which is why a nighttime routine is so important. Good news is, I’ve made things super simple for you, by sharing 5 ways you can support yourself sleeping better below!


  1. Power Down - at least 2 hours before bed
    Create your own nighttime routine by dimming the lights and closing down your tech buddies – smartphones, laptops, and TVs should hit that do not disturb mode at least 2 hours before bedtime, and ideally be kept out of the bedroom. Bright light is like a wakeup call to your brain + body, so it’s key to start sending the opposite message - that we are powering down more than just our devices.
    The blue light from our devices only makes things worse, it tells the brain there is a party going on, so if you really can’t do the two hours make sure the lights are dim to increase your melatonin production and grab yourself some blue light blocking glasses.
  2. Skip The Nightcap - the alcohol really doesn’t help you sleep
    That glass of wine or two to unwind might seem like a simple way to shuteye, but once that buzz wears off, you’re prone to less restful sleep and more frequent awakenings.
    Instead, replace the nightcap with some magnesium, a sleepy girl mocktail or even some of my favourite soul CBD sleepi gummies! (CODE: SHEREE)

  3. Make the Bedroom for Rest + Play Only - create a sacred space
    Your brain is triggered unconsciously by your environment and the things it does consistently. If your brain is constantly associating your bed with work, the kids sleeping in it, or full of device time, it isn’t going to feel rested when it enters the room.
    Whilst I am not here to judge, the science really does support keeping the bedroom for sleep + sex - both of which require you to unwind and relax! So think about how to make your bedroom more of a relaxing, restful and maybe somewhat raunchy space.
  4. Keep It Cool & Quiet - temperate control is key
    Although we may think we wanna be all snuggly and warm (believe me I still struggle with this). Our body craves a specific temperature for optimal sleep, and it is more on the cool side.
    Ideally our room is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15-19 degrees Celsius, to optimise your sleep environment. Also, eliminating any disruptive sounds is key, so think about incorporating a sound machine that plays soothing white, brown, or pink noises. I personally love playing binaural deep sleep beats on a sleep timer to fall asleep to.
  5. Declutter the Mind Before Bed - avoid the wired yet tired feeling
    Michael A. Grandner, Ph.D., an expert in psychiatry from the Behavioral Sleep Medicine program at the University of Pennsylvania suggests if you often find your thoughts racing when you're in bed, it may be because you haven't taken the time to process your day. This can keep your cortisol levels high, reducing your melatonin production causing you to struggle to fall asleep.
    To quote Grandner, "a more effective approach would be to dedicate some time in the evening to reflect on your day, create tomorrow's to-do lists, and clear your mental clutter. Then, climb into bed." I personally love journaling on gratitudes and planning out my next day.

Establishing a nighttime routine or making these changes can feel tough, but they are 100000000000% worth it when you think of the impact even one good night’s sleep can have on your health. So start small and slowly implement these in the months to come!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


30 Wellness Habits For Optimal Health And Longevity


24 / JULY / 2024

As I entered my 3rd decade on this planet this month, I thought it only fitting to share some of the wellness habits and hacks that I plan to continue into my years ahead (and ones I wish I had started when I was younger)...

Your body is a temple, and in order for me to fulfil my mission and serve as deeply as I know I am meant to, it is important that I treat it as one.


  1. Practice gratitude daily
  2. Get 7-9 hours sleep
  3. Hit the sauna 3 - 4 x week for 20+ minutes each time
  4. Strength train 4 x week
  5. Get out into nature often, daily if possible
  6. Wake with the sunshine and set up your circadian rhythm for success
  7. Say NO if it doesn’t feel aligned, you don’t have to please everybody
  8. Take cold showers daily (except when you’re on your bleed)
  9. Practise lymphatic drainage morning and evening
  10. Dance more, often and as if no one is watching
  11. Take creatine, not just for your muscles, but for your brain health
  12. Walk after big meals to balance your blood sugars
  13. Avoid naked carbohydrates (always put some clothes on - pair carbs with fats or protein to slow the blood sugar spike)
  14. Only take medications when absolutely necessary, there is almost always a natural solution
  15. Get your 8+ hugs a day
  16. Practise self-awareness, manage the stories in your mind, reflect and act from a conscious state and sense of self so you’re always growing and moving forward in a postive direction
  17. Ask for help when you need it, there is no shame, and you know you’d do the same for others
  18. Listen to your body, it knows best and is always trying to communicate with you
  19. Be mindful in the morning even if it is just for 5 minutes, it sets up your day
  20. Drink your coffee 90 minutes after waking and after a high protein breakfast
  21. Fast for a reset, to prevent jet lag and to heal your gut - daily overnight for 12 hours is also helpful
  22. Get your 7.5K+ steps in for your mental and metabolic health
  23. Magnesium is your best friend, don’t go a day without it
  24. Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be, going the places you want to go and constantly challenge you in the best way
  25. Practise giving more than you receive, but be able to receive too
  26. Ditch the perfume, receipts, plastic bottles and containers
  27. Breath consciously, in different ways, it controls your state
  28. Smile, laugh, pray
  29. Eat your leafy greens, and when you think you’ve eaten enough, eat more
  30. LOVE, love hard, love big and don’t be afraid to love again


Whilst these may not be your conventional ‘wellness habits’ they are tools/lessons/tips for your mind, body and soul. I can honestly say that I am so proud of myself and grateful to live by these.

Wellness to me is a way of life. It isn’t just ticking a box, nor is it doing it to be ‘trendy’. I genuinely love living this way and I am incredibly happy for it.

Not all of these 30 may resonate with you, and some may take you many more years to learn, or you may be screeds ahead in some. But I am a huge fan of nailing the basics.

Move your body. Nourish your mind. Love from your soul. In my 30 years (which may seem very young), this is the key to fulfilment, happiness and success.

I’d love to know what you’d add to the list… share it with me in the comments below or email me at


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


5 Ingredient Healthy BBQ Sauce Recipe


17 / JULY / 2024


-  1 cup tomato puree (or passata)
-  1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
-  2 tbsp Dijon mustard
-  1 tsp smoked paprika
-  1-2 tbsp natural sweetener (like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit sweetener)


  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the tomato puree, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, smoked paprika, and natural sweetener.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to your desired consistency.
  4. Taste the sauce and adjust the sweetness if needed. Add more sweetener for a sweeter sauce.
  5. Remove the sauce from heat and let it cool completely.
  6. Transfer the BBQ sauce to an airtight container or jar and store it in the refrigerator for up to one week.

This simple BBQ sauce is perfect for adding flavour to your BBQ Pulled Pork Tacos or any other dishes you enjoy.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


The Moon And Your Menstrual Cycle


26 / JUNE / 2024

Science adding some confirmation to our inner knowings... just in time for the first full moon of the year!

Many of us (myself included), notice a connection to when we bleed and where the lunar cycle is at...

Majority of the population tend to ovulate around a full moon 🌕 (nowish) and bleed 🩸 around a new moon. Vice versa can also be true, and it is for me right now.

The menstrual cycle was shown to have statistical significance in being influenced by weekly and lunar rhythms according to this study done on 35,940 women over 3 years.

The menstrual cycle is influenced by weekly and lunar rhythms. Finally, something more than anecdotal evidence. A study assessing a total of 35,940 European and North American women aged 18-40 years reports statistical significance linking the menstrual cycle with the moon. The onset of menstruation was assessed in prospectively measured menstrual cycles (311,064 cycles) over 3 full years (2019-2021). Both weekly (circaseptan) and lunar (circalunar) rhythms were observed. Results noting most women with a cycle of 27 - 29 days get their periods on a Thursday or Friday. Those with cycles this length had the highest correlation with that of the lunar cycle.


Conclusion excerpt:
Although relatively small in amplitude, the weekly rhythm of menstruation was statistically significant. Menstruation occurs more often on Thursdays and Fridays than on other days of the week. This is particularly true for women whose cycles last between 27 and 29 days. Circalunar rhythmically was also statistically significant. However, it is less pronounced than the weekly rhythm.

My verdict? SCIENCE IS FINALLY CATCHING UP! This is something myself and many other holistic practitioners have witnessed in our clients for years. It’s currently a full moon 🌕 and I am on my bleed 🩸and a lot of women will be ovulating (vice versa is often true for a new moon) What are your thoughts? Are you in sync?


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


The Nutrient Your Hormones Need To Thrive!


12 / JUNE / 2024

You need protein for a healthy menstrual cycle... it really is that simple, but this is one of the biggest things I see women get wrong as a holistic hormone coach

Skimping on the protein, especially at breakfast can cause hormonal havoc, driving up the cortisol levels and dysregulating your blood sugar levels. This is also why skipping breakfast altogether also isn’t helpful (I’m looking at you intermittent fasting).

Ideally, you're aiming for at least 1.5g/kg ideal body weight per day at an absolute minimum. Tbh, I actually have my clients on a fair bit more than that, but it is a good starting point.


Proteins are the building blocks of life, and when it comes to your menstrual health, they act as key players in maintaining hormonal balance and overall well-being.

Adequate protein intake provides the amino acids necessary for hormone synthesis (making your hormones), helping regulate the delicate dance of estrogen and progesterone throughout your cycle.

This not only aids in a smoother menstrual experience but also contributes to mitigating common issues like irregular periods and hormonal fluctuations.

Furthermore, proteins are your allies in managing energy levels and preventing blood sugar spikes.

Stable blood sugar is a cornerstone of hormonal harmony, promoting a more predictable and comfortable menstrual cycle.

Use any of the examples below as a great foundation for making sure you get at least 30g of protein with your main meals (and yes ladies, I know 5 eggs is a lot! But one egg only has about 6g of protein)

Make protein a centrepiece of your meals, add some leafy greens and the rest tends to sort itself out!

30g of protein looks like 👇🏽
🥚 5 eggs
🍗 100g (3.5 oz) turkey
🍖 100g (3.5 oz) chicken breast
🥩 115g (4 oz) eye fillet steak
🥩 130g (4.5 oz) sirloin steak
🍣 150g (5.3 oz) salmon
🍨 285g (10 oz) greek yoghurt

*free range/organic where possible to minimise the amount of synthetic and added hormones

What is your favourite protein source? Let me know in the comments below.

P.S. Want support in mapping out your meals so you get enough protein every day, click here to chat with me about supporting your hormone health through balanced nutrition and lifestyle!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


5 Toxins That Disrupt Hormones


29 / MAY / 2024

These sneaky toxins a.k.a endocrine disruptors appear in our day to day lives that add up significantly over time, overwhelming and overloading our endocrine (hormone) system, liver and detoxification with an increased toxic burden load on the body.

Which is why removing or reducing your exposure to even just one of these can really make an impact on your hormone health, because it is the things you do daily that make the biggest difference and a real game changer for your hormone health whether it to have symptom free periods or to support you through menopause.


  1. Plastics (BPA):
    BPA can be found in many plastics like bottles, containers, and can infiltrate food and water.
    Why you should avoid it: BPA imitates estrogen, disrupting the endocrine system and potentially leading to hormonal imbalances. Choose BPA-free plastics, or glass and stainless steel containers.

  2. Fragrances (Phthalates):
    Phthalates are present in cosmetics, perfumes, and personal care products like sunscreens, shampoo and skincare.
    Why you should avoid them: Phthalates can interfere with hormone production and function. Opt for phthalate-free beauty and personal care items.

  3. Non-Stick Cookware (PFOA):
    Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) can be found in non-stick cookware like Teflon.
    Why you should avoid it: PFOA disrupts the endocrine system, and the surfaces of these pans release toxic fumes when heated. Choose ceramic, cast iron, or stainless steel cookware instead.

  4. Inorganic Fruits + Veggies (Pesticides):
    Pesticides, commonly used in conventional farming, residue on fruits and vegetables can be ingested, and mimic estrogen or testosterone.
    Choose organic produce or wash your veggies with salt, apple cider vinegar and water to reduce exposure to these pesticides.

  5. Receipts (BPS):
    BPS is an alternative to BPA used in thermal paper receipts.
    Why you should avoid it: BPS can be absorbed through the skin and imitate estrogen, disrupting hormone balance.

    Minimise contact with thermal paper receipts and wash hands thoroughly after handling them.

It's not all or nothing when it comes to making these low-tox swaps. Start gradually, and with whatever comes most easily to you.

I'd love to know where you're starting, let me know below!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Top 5 Supplements Every Woman Should Be Taking For Hormone Health


1 / MAY / 2024

One of the biggest questions I get when it comes to hormone health is ‘what supplements should I be taking?’

Now whilst 5 might sound like a lot, there are amazing companies out there that will do a great combo of these in the right dosages to actually help you see a shift.

But please note, I am extra picky with supplement companies that I recommend, as not all supplements are created equally - in terms of dosage but also the type/form of micronutrient that you are getting.

All my clients know how much I stress this, because the wrong type/dosage or even brand can actually make matters worse.

You are probably also wondering, do I even need to supplement?

Well, in reality, whilst I am a FOOD FIRST in my nutrition approach, a lot of these nutrients are no in our soils anymore which means they aren’t in our food, or we are doing things in modern society that deplete these nutrients so much that we are unable to reach the levels needed without supplementation.


Please note this is not replacing medical advice, and you should always check with a qualified practitioner before taking anything (especially if you are on medications)

1. B Vitamins
These are essential for stress, energy, metabolic function, immune system optimisation and ovulation (especially B6, folate and B12).

Beef liver capsules or the food itself is a great option or a high quality B complex like Thorne, BePure or Pure Encapsulations.

2. Magnesium
The more stressed we are the more magnesium we use. Responsible for over 300 different functions in the body, magnesium is essential and helps reduce period pains, headaches and PMS. It can also support blood sugar regulation.

My favourite form is magnesium glycinate, starting dose around 300 mg - however there are different magnesium for different functions. I love Thorne, BePure, or Metagenics CalmX.

Food sources include leafy greens, cacao/chocolate, nuts and seeds.

3. Zinc
One of the biggest deficiencies in our soil is zinc. Zinc is important for ovulation, skin, hair, nails, immunity (to name a few), and 98% of my clients come to me in a deficient state.

Unfortunately the RDI is 15mg and often all you will get over the counter so won’t top your levels up. It is also depleted if you are on the pill. I normally have my clients on a higher therapeutic dosage.

Oysters, red meat and eggs are great sources. Brands I love include BePure, Thorne, and Eve Wellness - Period Pal/All Things Glow.

4. Omega 3's
Yes, even if you are eating fish regularly, this is normally still deficient. Important for brain function, reducing inflammation and therefore supports hormonal acne as well as period cramps.

The scary thing with this is a lot of companies have a higher mercury level than is actually healthy for us to be consuming daily, so I opt for very high grade tested supplements including Nordic Naturals, Designs for Health and BePure.

Food sources include: fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), chia seeds, walnuts and flaxseed oil

5. Vitamin C
Normally only known for its immune system support, vitamin C is a powerhouse when it comes to cortisol control. Which really supports our hormonal balance.

Be mindful that too much can lead to loose stools and if you have hemochromatosis this is a no-no for you. It is also really hard to get through our food supply, as once the food is picked (e.g. an orange) within 4 days it loses 80% of its vitamin C content

My favourite brands include Metagenics CalmX, BePure, and Designs for Health Liposomal Vitamin C.


These are my top 5 supplements that create an amazing baseline for optimal health, however you may need to add some that are more specific to your goals. If you aren’t sure where to start or want a supplement review for tailored advice click here.

Inside the CWC you get access to all my favourite brands and supplement recommendations, as well as discounts off practitioner only supplements to support your health further. Click here to join us!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Seared Tuna Salad With Mango And Avocado


24 / APRIL / 2024

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 5 mins
Servings: 4


-  400g fresh tuna steaks
-  2 tbsp olive oil
-  Mixed salad greens
-  1 ripe mango, diced
-  1 avocado, sliced
-  1 red onion, thinly sliced
-  Dressing: 3 tbsp olive oil, 2 tbsp lime juice, salt, and pepper


  1. Preheat a grill pan or skillet over medium-high heat. While the pan is heating up, season the tuna steaks generously with salt and pepper on both sides.
  2. Drizzle 1 tablespoon of olive oil over the tuna steaks and rub it in to coat them evenly.
  3. Once the grill pan is hot, carefully place the tuna steaks on the pan. Sear them for about 1-2 minutes on each side, depending on the thickness of the steaks and your desired level of doneness. For medium-rare tuna, aim for about 1 minute per side. For well-done, cook for 2 minutes per side. Remove the tuna steaks from the pan and let them rest for a few minutes.
  4. While the tuna is resting, prepare the salad. In a large mixing bowl, combine the mixed salad greens, diced mango, sliced avocado, and thinly sliced red onion. Toss everything together gently to combine.
  5. In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil, lime juice, salt, and pepper to make the dressing.
  6. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and toss again to coat all the ingredients evenly.
  7. To serve, divide the dressed salad among serving plates or bowls.
  8. Slice the rested tuna steaks thinly against the grain and arrange them on top of each salad.
  9. Garnish with additional lime wedges or fresh herbs if desired.
  10. Serve immediately and enjoy your delicious tuna salad with mango and avocado!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


4 Things Keeping You From Losing Belly Fat


17 / APRIL / 2024

Losing weight isn’t always easy… especially around our tummies. In fact, this is always the area of biggest complaint when clients come to see me.

Most people experience frustration, shame, and feeling like nothing is working, and I get it

You're eating well
You're exercising regularly
You've cut back on the wine
You've even stopped the daily chocolate fix in the afternoon
And you're feeling like you’re working really hard for not a lot of results

Don’t beat yourself up if you’re feeling any of these! I noticed this in almost all of my clients, which is why I actually don't focus on weight loss in my programs (hear me out)

I’ve done this enough times to know that… When we focus on the number on the scale, it becomes a mind game, all consuming and we look in the mirror every morning wondering why the belly still jiggles.

What we do instead... is focus on what's driving the weight to stick, healing at the ROOT CAUSE, so weight loss is a byproduct of nourishing your body


  1. Poor liver detoxification (hello too much caffeine)
    This speeds up our phase one pathways, but not phase two, which can lead to a traffic jam and our toxins being stored in our fat cells and therefore unable to be cleared from our body
  2. Sugar (you're not getting enough protein)
    If you're craving sweets, you're probably not eating enough, and especially not eating enough protein which keeps those cravings at bay.
  3. Alcohol (yes, every glass of wine does add up)
    It's not just the fact the body sees alcohol as poison and loads up the liver, but it is often laden with sugar, and creates extra stress... more than a trifecta right here!
  4. High stress (that busy schedule of yours is driving that cortisol too high)
    High cortisol causes our body to hold onto weight, particularly around the belly


☕️ You don't have to give up your coffee, but try having it 90 minutes after waking, with some added protein/fats and only one a day (or a few times a week)

🥩 Aim for 30g of protein at every main meal

🍹 Pause the alcohol for 4 weeks

🙏 Add in some time for you... practice saying NO to things from time to time.

These are the first steps, and I've built out the rest of the step-by-step framework inside Reclaim Your Radiance.

If you’re feeling like the weight just won't shift no matter what you try and want more support, click here for a complimentary wellness assessment call!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!