Thirty Flirty And Thriving Letter


10 / JULY / 2024

Dear Little One,

Right now, you don’t feel so little. So much is changing, your skin is breaking out, your hormones are going haywire, all you want is attention from the cute boy a couple years older than you at school and your parents just separted.

Life is f*cken tough. Yet, you also feel invincible.

I look at you through my eyes now and see the strength you had, the resilience you showed and the confidence you shared with the world even all those years ago.

It’s funny how I am actually in awe of you. I remember how loud, outgoing and extroverted you were, unafriad to be seen, heard and lead. You’ve always been this way, even as a 5 year old. And I absolutely adore you for it.

Somewhere along the way I lost that part of you… I let the judgement of others, the disappointments, missed opportunities, the fear take over and get the better of us, and for that I am so sorry.

I let others dim your light, knock your confidence and taught you to hide in the shadows instead of owning your worth.

It has taken almost a decade of healing, opening old wounds, reliving old memories, acknowledging all parts of ourself even the ugly ones to really step back into a space where we know that we are truly loved and enough simply because we exist, regardless of any kind of external validation or expectations.

You are a diamond… FUCKEN PRICELESS and anyone who tells you otherwise isn’t worth a second thought. I am so sorry that I didn’t always have your back on this, but thank you for being the example I needed in my life to see that it has always been there.

I often think of the song ‘Little Me’ by Little Mix…
“I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out, talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder
Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see
You gotta speak up, you gotta shout out, and know that right here, right now
You can be beautiful, wonderful, anything you wanna be… Little me”

And think to myself - we all need to offer a little more kindness to ourselves, show more self-compassion and talk to ourselves like you’d talk to your younger self, the beautiful, innocent, sweet little one that sees the world through heart-centred lenses. What advice would you give yourself even if it was only going back a few years?

The funny thing is… My little one actually spoke her mind, showed up authentically and was happy to be a bright light for others to see. It was the later teen years, the bullying, the rejection, the eating disorder, the attempt to control my life through food, the heartbreak, the absent father that slowly made me recoil into my shell, but I am grateful as anything that she didn’t stay tucked away.

So on my 30th birthday, I celebrate you little one. I celebrate the fact that you were the only gift I needed and I am so happy that over the years I have reclaimed those parts of me that you always knew how to shine, piece by piece. With the help of family, friends, mentors and coaches.

Here is to showing up as our best selves, in every sense of the word. I see women every single day, every single age battling this sense of self worth. This need to be enough and believing it is something that comes from outside of them, when in reality the truth is, she’s always been there, you just needed to witness her.

So be brave, take the leap, become thirty, flirty and thriving or maybe its sixty, sexy and strong. Whatever your authentic self looks like, you owe it to her no matter what age or stage of life you are in to let your light shine bright. I know it can be scary, but you don’t have to do it alone.

I will leave you with some words of wisdom…
“You are loved just for being who you are, just for existing. You don’t have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection, or social and economic success—none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here… We’re all just walking each other home.” - Ram Dass

With Love Always,
Sheree xo


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


The Mineral You Need To Optimise Your Sleep


03 / APRIL / 2024

Studies have shown low levels of serum magnesium (magnesium in your blood) are associated with low quality sleep and insomnia

I’ve been saying this for years, and this article expands on the role magnesium plays in regulating our circadian rhythm.

If you’re struggling with your sleep, chances are your circadian rhythm is out of alignment and your cortisol and melatonin are out of sync. There’s a lot we can do to reset this, like sunshine exposure, adjusting caffeine timing, balancing blood sugar levels, blue light blocking glasses, dimming the lights at night etc…

But these things take time, it doesn't take just a week to throw your circadian rhythm off, so it can be a few weeks before things start to settle and regulate. Which we both know, when it comes to sleep, lying awake at night is not fun, you just want to sleep now. This is where magnesium comes in.


All in all, magnesium (especially when combined with B6), can be really supportive in supporting falling asleep, regular sleep patterns and calming the nervous system.

Here’s why this is something you need to know...

The more stressed you are, the more magnesium you use, and with your day to day stress you're burning through a lot more magnesium than you can get with food

Which is a contributing factor to not getting good quality sleep. If you’re stressed, you start to throw out your cortisol levels, reducing your melatonin production in the evening and this is what can often result in that ‘wired but tired’ feeling!

So you struggle to fall asleep, wind up waking up tired, feeling unrested and dragging your feet to get through the day, relying on caffeine for energy (which also depletes your magnesium). Not the best cocktail for us to feel optimal right?!

Magnesium helps you calm your nervous system, bringing down the cortisol and helps you shift into your parasympathetic state which then supports you in falling asleep.

It also helps prevent and soothe cramps, reduce sugar cravings and speed up recovery from training. All of which are even more beneficial at night time, am I right? Waking up to a calf cramp at 3am is excruciating. Not to mention when you sleep you are repairing and the magnesium helps optimise that.

Magnesium is responsible for over 300 different functions in the body, so getting enough daily will make a huge difference to not only your sleep, but energy as well.


Weekly wellness prescription: add ~300mg of magnesium (bis)glycinate to your evening routine. If you want a great quality brand, just DM me here and I can share with you the ones I love that are available in your country and watch your sleep improve tenfold!

Article: PMC6910806

With love,
Sheree xo


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Are Weight Loss Drugs Damaging Your Gut


6 / MARCH / 2024

In the last 12 months we’ve seen a massive increase in weight loss medications, particularly from a peptide perspective - injectables that help regulate appetite and in many cases insulin sensitivity.

Among these are GLP-1 agonists—Ozempic, Liraglutide, Semaglutide (US names) These drugs are known for their impact on weight reduction, but concerns about their effects on gut health and potential promotion of bacterial overgrowth have raised questions.


A recent study delved into the risks associated with these medications. Researchers tracked 4,800 non-diabetic obese individuals using GLP-1 agonists and compared them to 650 obese individuals taking bupropion-naltrexone. Their one-year observation painted a troubling picture:

-  The GLP-1 group faced a 9.1 times higher risk of pancreatitis, an inflammatory condition affecting the pancreas.

-  The risk of bowel obstruction was 4.2 times higher in the same group.

-  Additionally, the GLP-1 users experienced a 3.7 times higher risk of gastroparesis, a condition causing delayed stomach emptying.

Combining the risks of pancreatitis and bowel obstruction in the GLP-1 group suggested that approximately 125 individuals might potentially develop these conditions within two years of starting treatment.

The study revealed a strong association between these conditions and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), an ailment where bacteria thrive in the small intestine, leading to gastrointestinal issues.

Of concern is the potential rise in SIBO cases among those using GLP-1 agonists. The elevated risks observed for pancreatitis, bowel obstruction, and gastroparesis indicate a higher likelihood of SIBO development, hinting at an alarming trend among individuals seeking weight loss through GLP-1 agonists.

These medications function as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, essentially working by stimulating insulin production to control blood sugar and regulate appetite. While their primary aim is weight loss, the significant side effects and potential influence on gut health raise a considerable concern.


The study's revelations highlight the necessity for additional research to deepen our understanding of how these medications might alter the gut microbiome and contribute to increased risks of gastrointestinal complications. As more findings emerge, a critical evaluation of the risks associated with specific weight loss treatments becomes imperative.

Weight loss drugs have positively impacted health management for many. However, the study suggests the importance of ensuring that weight loss pursuits do not inadvertently lead to unforeseen health complications. An in-depth understanding of the broader impacts of these medications, including their role in altering the gut microbiome, is crucial to ensuring their safety and efficacy.

As the healthcare landscape evolves, it's essential to comprehensively evaluate the implications and risks associated with weight loss medications, especially given their potential impact on gut health. The study's findings underline the significance of further research to understand the nuances and potential health consequences of these weight loss treatments.



Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Top 10 Podcast Episodes Of 2023


10 / JANUARY / 2024

For all things health, personal development and business

It’s been a very exciting year in the world of podcasting, and a huge part of that is because I finally launched my baby off the ground - The Wild & Well Collective

I joined forces with my dear friend Christa Elza (an incredible functional medicine nutritionist with a background in being a nurse practitioner) to bring you episodes every single week on how to live a big life wildly well!

This podcast is really about YOU, the beautiful community of souls that I am blessed to have in my sphere, and providing you with all the latest tools, tips, tricks and insights to help you feel empowered with your health.

On top of that, I did my own listening this year and surprisingly shopped around. There are a few new favourite podcast shows on my list now as a number of other epic humans decided to launch their podcasts too. Including Kimberley Haworth - Beauty and The Biz, Alyssa Nobriga - Healing Human Potential, and Mel Robbins - The Mel Robbins Podcast.

So as per usual, I have collected a variety of my favourite episodes that I have personally listened to and loved this year, along with a little synopsis for you. I hope you enjoy (and be sure to go rate, follow and share the Wild & Well Collective with your family and friends too).


1. Joe Rogan Experience - Gary Brecka + Joe Rogan - take blurb from newsletter
I am absolutely obsessed with this podcast episode! As you know, I am really into biohacking. Gary Brecka is one of the leading experts in this field and in this episode he talks about some of the key things that I have been sharing with my clients for years. Particularly around cortisone vs PRP injections, the importance of folate and methylated folate in the diet, grounding, breathwork, saunas and so much more! I know it's quite a long episode but I cannot recommend you diving into it enough. There is just so much wisdom and you may want to get out your notepads because this one is epic!

2. Wild + Well Collective - Unlocking Human Potential: Navigating the Biohacking Landscape
In this episode, we delve into the exciting world of biohacking, exploring the diverse realms it encompasses. Four key topics take the stage: intermittent fasting, breathwork, circadian rhythm, and the transformative power of cold dips and saunas. Our conversation sheds light on the nuances of biohacking, emphasising the importance of individuality in choosing these practices and how you can harness them to optimise your health and mental clarity. If you’re looking for healthy habits to bring in the new year, this is your episode.

3. Beauty + The Biz - ft. me
I had the pleasure of being featured on a podcast episode with Kimberley Haworth where we discussed all things GUT HEALTH. This is a real behind the scenes dive into Kimberley's health journey, how she views her kids' health and how you can support your body to support your business. This episode was led by questions from the audience and included discussions around optimal health levels, how to speak to kids about health, how your business is affected by health and cycle syncing.

4. Healing Human Potential - Alyssa Nobriga + Mark Hyman
Alyssa is an incredible mentor of mine that I had the privilege of learning from for over 4 years in the holistic life coaching space. In this episode, Alyssa and Dr. Mark Hyman combine the understanding of not only functional medicine but how that applies to functional psychology and the inner workings of our minds. They discuss how we can actually heal both our bodies and minds by reducing inflammation in both. Also to help us heal chronic diseases in a variety of ways - covering everything from biohacking, the latest and greatest innovations in this space and how you can support your body in detoxing in the simplest of ways so you can start feeling better in as little as 2-3 days! Dr. Mark Hyman also shares some of the new and upcoming techniques that are currently being trialled and tested. He reiterates one of my favourite points that I always share with my clients… You are the centre of your health care system and whilst traditional medicine might be taking a long time to catch up to what we now see and operate from in the functional medicine space, the ability for you to be the centre point of your own health and take control really is at your fingertips. I love this empowering podcast episode for that exact reason! Definitely worth a listen, maybe even a couple of times through! Both Alyssa and Dr. Mark Hyman have an incredible wealth of knowledge in their fields. I cannot recommend his books and resources or diving into this podcast enough!

5. School of Greatness - Control Your Mind in Minutes & Attract the Future You Desire w/Joe Dispenza
Two of my favourite authors and speakers team up for this episode all about the powerful impact your mind can have on your life (and how to master your mind so you are in control of your reality). Dr Joe Dipsenza and Howes talk about one of my favourite practices (gratitude) and how this is one of the most crucial ways to shift your thoughts, as well as all the research that Dr. Dispenza is involved in that act as incredibly supportive evidence. They also explore how we can limit ourselves by staying trapped in our past and what to do to break through this… and so much more! Enjoy!

6. BossBabe Podcast - Living From Overflow vs Overwhelm, Tapping into Your Inner Power + Rediscovering Your True Identity with Alexi Panos
Breaking societal norms, nervous system regulation, balancing masculine feminine energy in yourself and relationships, honouring your body as an entrepreneur, and being the creator of your own life were the key learnings and messages I got from this episode. I adore both of these women as absolute leaders in this space, and it was a conversation that truly, deeply, resonated with my soul on every level. If you are a mumma or mumma to be, or wish to be one day, I highly recommend listening to this with that lense on too.

7. ON Purpose - Dr. Will Cole ON: Why Gut Health is Impacting Your Brain Health & How to Stop Inflammation in Your Body
I love these two humans and hearing them together is epic, this is super informative and valuable especially with the rise of mental health issues. Your gut is your second brain, and they are made of the same tissue, we need to be looking after both!

8. The Mel Robbins Podcast - The Science of Your Gut: 3 Easy Steps to Reduce Bloating, Improve Digestion, and Feel Better Today
In this episode, Mel & Dr. Amy Shah dive into one of the biggest complaints that I hear on a daily basis… BLOATING. Dr.Shah provides insights on how to differentiate between bloating and weight gain as well as some of the key symptomatology that you may be unaware of that is actually linked to bloating and water retention. A lot of the time we think gas is causing the distention in our stomach when in reality, it can be driven by a number of things such as an unhealthy gut microbiome or hormonal imbalances which are not always driven by food. This episode is super interesting as Mel shares some personal stories (I love her relatability!) and they also breakdown a 5 day reset option to help you support your body from ditching the bloating for good!

9. Period Party - The Spiritual and Emotional Root Causes of Reproductive Health Issues with Katie Beecher
Such an interesting conversation happening between Nicole Jardim and Katie Beecher looking from an angle that is whilst becoming more common, not often the first approach to healing menstrual and reproductive issues. They talk about everything from chakras and intuition to awkward and awful puberty experiences. Definitely one of my favourite episodes of period party as it combines the two worlds of well-being I love so much - the woo and the science.

10. Wild & Well Collective - Empowered Health Unveiled: Navigating Holistic Wellness
Our first episode dives into my own personal journey, starting with a celiac disease diagnosis in childhood, leading to struggles with eating disorders and body image issues, and ultimately guiding me towards holistic health. This intimate interview really leaves no holes barred, I get open, honest and very vulnerable in this, and hope it truly serves you at whatever stage of your journey you are going through.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


10 Lessons From 2023


27 / DECEMBER / 2023

Truths and stories from the heart, with the hopes it helps in your healing


1. It is safe and okay to receive
Okay, for this one I could dedicate a whole blog of its own - and I might - but this personally was the biggest lesson for the entire year, and one that reprogrammed conditioning I had had my entire life (but I will save that part of the story for another day).

I personally find it far easier to give than to receive - recovering people pleaser here, and it was how I was raised. I find it waaaaaay easier to put myself out, to take things on the chin, to burn myself out and give everything of myself to someone or something, than I do to say thank you and receive.

But this year, that got completely flipped on its head.

I had friends offer me a room in their flat, support me and ensure I was never alone, I had my mum who knew my dream was to come travel to the US for 3 months and visit all my friends gift me the money for my flights and some expenses and said ‘just go’ (and I did).

I had friends (many whom I had never met in person) welcome me into their homes, drive me everywhere, pick me up from the airport, share family meals with me, had their husbands cooked meals for us and cooked me meals themselves, take me to their children’s sports games, share their wardrobes, pull cards with me, buy me special gluten free treats, treat me to sauna sessions, hotel rooms, support me in my business, take me into their workspaces, take time off work, share resources and insights, gift me everything from skincare to clothing and hold space for me to share, be seen and heard and just be authentically me.

I know I haven’t even covered the true extent of what I have received, because a lot of what is listed is external, when in essence the biggest gifts they gave me was to be able to say thank you, and accept their generosity. To feel their love and feel welcomed beyond words.

Being able to receive this, has shown me that there are not only others out there that give with such a loving open heart, but that it is safe and okay to be the one on the receiving end. See the capacity we have as humanity to be the change we want to see, to be love, to spread love, to give love with no expectations for it to be returned.

What a gift that really is.

2. You cannot rush the Universe
For the longest time, I had wanted to come to the USA to meet the number of friends and coaches I had connected with virtually. In fact I missed out on about 5 opportunities to do so over the past 4 years for various reasons, and at the time, not being able to go felt like the worst punishment in the world (there were many tears shed), because I just felt like this was where I was meant to be. This was where my tribe was, but no matter how much I tried to force it, it never seemed to work out and I accepted the reality with bitterness and resentment.

However, as I sat on the plane I just boarded to Chicago I was overcome with this realisation that it was never meant to happen any other way. If I had’ve gone then, I would never be having this exact experience right now. WIth this level of excitement, these exact opportunities and moments, with this level of confidence, courage, experience and trust in life. Which I believe is what the Universe was waiting for.

Sometimes we cannot see it at the time, but we aren’t yet ready to do the things we think we want to do. We are being either divinely guided or protected and that is why we cannot rush things that are meant for us, and nothing that is meant for us will ever truly pass us. It just might not happen in the timing you thought or were hoping that it would, and that is okay, because sometimes (jk… all the time), it is going to work out even better than you could’ve possibly imagined.

3. Let go of expectations + control (aka trust)
Boooooy was this a tough one. I actually laughed at myself whilst writing this one. Because I had told myself the story that coming over to the US was the first time in my life I had no plans or expectations, and I was just going to trust life and go with the flow (hahahahaha…. nope).

Whilst it was true I didn’t really have a plan, I just knew my intentions, I clearly had expectations, because when they weren’t met I felt the disappointment boil up and spill over like an unwatched pot.

Now this is okay, I sat with the emotions that came up and allowed myself to cry, allowed myself to judge, allowed myself to simply be disappointed and share that disappointment with close friends and family if I felt like I needed to vent.

But where the real learning happened, was in the realisation that I cannot control life, I cannot control other people (and don’t get me wrong, I’m not controlling consciously or in a manipulative way), when I say control it’s my need to feel safe and therefore make plans and have plans and have everything done ‘right’ because when you’ve done everything ‘right’ you can’t be wrong, and that means I won’t get in trouble - inner child speaking here.

The truth is, no matter how hard we try to grip onto something or someone, we have no real control over them. In reality, all we can control is how we show up, react and behave in any given situation. All we can control is our role in our life and that comes down to taking personal responsibility for our actions.

For me, realising that I cannot control if the people I am with don’t wanna do the same things I wanna do, and they want to leave somewhere early, or they aren’t fussed if they are running late, or they don’t have the same interests, beliefs, values, or views that I do. In fact, that is all fine, there is no judgement here.

But I had the unconscious misunderstanding and misconception (probably because most of my life I have had freedom in my schedule, and been surrounded by the same people and in the same town that I have always grown up with), that I could ‘go with the flow’ - as long as the flow was in the direction I wanted it to be in.

Whilst things weren’t working out for me the way I had anticipated - primarily from a business perspective, but also in other areas of my life, it was the perfect time to reflect and adjust my attitude around expectations. Lean into trusting life more. Accepting that these situations are out of my control, and there is literally nothing I can do to change them, so I can either embrace them, or put myself into unnecessary turmoil over them, and the latter really wasn’t working out, so something had to change. It was time to lean in and trust life.

4. You are stardust
I recently went to see Wish - the new animated Disney movie - and of course I cried. But the beautiful essence and message of this movie (I promise it’s not really a spoiler), is that we are all stardust.

What on earth kinda woo woo sh*t am I talking about now? Well, you see we are all made of the same light, the same goodness, all connected divinely on this beautiful planet we call home, and all interlinked in our spirit. Whilst we may share different beliefs in how this all works, the take home message for me, was to come home to the magic that is in YOU. The beauty that is in YOU. The feeling, the wish, the gifts you hold in YOUR heart.

That is what makes you special, and it is what makes us all special and when we can lead with that stardust, that sprinkle of light, we can see our own worth, the beauty and love in others and look upon each other with even more love and compassion… this is what will help uplift humanity, this is what will change the world. Seeing that you hold a light within you and have something special to offer this world is a true lesson I hope every single one of us can learn.

5. Repeating the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity
Einstein was right. ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.’

Oh hi, it’s me again… you know that annoying problem that just won’t seem to go away. Even though you’ve tried ignoring it, or maybe like me, you’ve said ‘I know, I know, I know’ but not actually done anything about making a change.

Well this was me, massively in one aspect of my business. I kept repeating the same mistake and yet wondering why I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted (and kept complaining about it), when in reality I wasn’t doing anything different to truly see change or results.

The same thing can be applied to your health, one of my clients kept complaining to me that she wasn’t losing weight, she was eating healthy, exercising regularly, but nothing was shifting. Then I pointed out to her that she was going to have to actually do something different. Her hormones were fine, gut was in good shape, but her metabolism needed some love.

What she actually needed to do was look at just how much she was eating, because despite choosing the healthy snacks and making healthy dinners, she was adding everything ‘healthy’ under the sun and actually over consuming. Don’t get me wrong, the salads she was making were super nourishing, but you don’t need cashew nuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil, hemp seeds and all the veggies in there for dinner, not unless you’re forgoing the carbs, and even then… It's about balance.

When we finally got her to shift her thinking away from more is more, and over-riding her hunger cues (actually stopping eating when she was 80% full), and got her into doing more than yoga - aka added in some much needed strength training a few times a week, the weight really started shifting.

It was the same for me and my business, when I got out of my rut, looked at things from a birds eye view, I really started to see changes, because I was putting my attention on what actually moved the needle. Are you focused on the needle movers you need to achieve your goals?

6. You don’t need to be perfect
My goodness, this I believe is a lesson I will always be learning, as it continues to show up in new and different ways in my life. From my content, to how I communicate, to how I show up and present myself. This pressure to be perfect, to be the good girl, to hold myself in the ‘correct manner’ that is professional, respectable, acceptable to society - whatever the f*ck that is.

Yup… I said f*ck, and I f*cken meant it hahaha.

The days of sugar coating sh*t and putting on a mask are over, and to be honest, everyone I know and speak to have had enough of the perfectionism and highlight reel, the facade, the mask that plagues us day to day. Which is why this year, and particularly the last 6 months have really been about letting go of perfectionism and stepping into expressing my most authentic version of myself. And sorry mum, but she swears.

Whilst I do believe that there is a time and place for everything, and there is a difference between how you can show up at work in the corporate world and in your personal life, you certainly wouldn’t want to catch a teacher swearing at her students. For me, my life’s work is intertwined with my brand, and although I don’t have the potty mouth of a sailor, I do swear from time to time, it’s a form of self-expression and there have actually been studies to support people who swear are healthier (but I digress, this isn’t the point).

All of this to say, you are going to be far happier, and as a result far healthier, if you stop trying to show up as the person you think people want you to be, and actually be yourself. Those who don’t like it won’t stick around, but do you really want to be surrounded by people who aren’t going to love you for the real you?

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve been told I’m too much… honestly, too much for what? Too much for who? Honey, it’s your ego that can’t handle me showing up, sharing my truth, my voice, being bold, unapologetic, owning my confidence.

Showing up in this way has really allowed me to break away from the story’s in my mind that I was never enough (ironic isn’t it - the juxtaposition between the two). Sheree isn’t perfect, Sheree swears, Sheree laughs loudly and takes up space in the room, Sheree is f*cken emotional, she loves hard, cares deeply and is fiercely loyal and an absolute nerd, and all parts of her are welcome.

And you know what, the people I have around me now all see me and value me for that, my whole self. Because I am still respectful, trustworthy and kind, but you see none are mutually exclusive. So if you were looking for a permission slip… this is it. Go out there and be your f*cken self, and watch your tribe surround you!

7. Watch the stories in your head - they are just stories
Boooooy did this one used to get me into trouble a lot. Assumptions was the name of the game. Not consciously, really, just conditioning - that’s when past experiences shape your perception of reality.
The amount of times I have actually saved myself a lot of pain and heartache this year because I started questioning my thoughts - is this true? Can I actually know that is what they/that meant? Or am I jumping to conclusions?

Don’t get me wrong, I still fall into this trap from time to time, but I am far more self-aware. To the point I even laugh at some of the stories and assumptions I come up with now. And to speak to my previous lesson, if I am not sure about what is really going on, then I just ask… no more of this beating around the bush, people pleasing BS - it’s done wonders for my communication skills.

Take this for-instance, I had just re-enrolled my client at VIP level, and we were in a new container and experience together. It hadn’t even been a month and I got a notification from paypal saying ‘Sharon (let’s just call her that), has cancelled her payment plan.’

Instantly, my heart sank, mind racing - omg what did I do wrong, is she not enjoying our work together, have I not been providing enough support, does she not like me anymore, has she found another coach - ever been in one of those spirals?

Well, I did. And then I caught myself, and thought… I actually have no idea why she cancelled. It could’ve been an accident, or a technical issue, she may need to change her cards, this could have nothing to do with your coaching or even her experience, and you know what? I felt a wave of relief wash over me.

I sent her a voice note, checking in, asking if she was okay and saying I had noticed her payments had cancelled. Respecting her decision, and being curious about receiving feedback. Can you guess what her response was?

She came back laughing, saying she never cancelled it at all, and didn’t want to either, turns out a week later paypal emailed saying it was some mix up on their end. So you can see how silly and over-reactive we can be when we are jumping to conclusions, or making assumptions or buying into the stories in our mind, that are just that - stories.

8. It’s okay to be alone
As you may know… this year involved a break up for me and for the first time in almost 9 years, I found myself alone (although… you are never really alone, but that’s a story for another time - and not a creepy one, I’m talking about the universe haha)

Although I am an introverted extrovert, and love my alone time, I found myself feeling really alone. It’s very different coming home to a flat of people you love, vs someone who loves you and greets you with affection and attention. And I found myself craving this deeply, needing it to get through. And whilst it’s a different time going through a break up, to your normal day to day, I realised this need to be in company all the time, was my unconscious attempt to not deal with my real feelings.

The stories that came up about this were hilarious too… like how uncool I was to be sitting at home alone watching a movie by myself on a weeknight. I mean, come on, that is normal and I actually loved doing this when I was in a relationship, but it is funny how our perception changes when our circumstances do too.

I soon realised that it was actually really important for me to be alone. To process my day, or whatever I was going through, and to get to know myself better. If I am always too busy filling up everyone else's cup, I was going to burn out and I know how much that sucks. So I got comfortable being uncomfortable and learnt that being alone didn’t mean I wasn’t loved, or unwanted, it became a choice and something to look forward to.

9. Fail, fail and fail some more, just never quit
If you’re anything like me, the word fail really doesn’t sit right in your body. I cannot count how many times a little voice in my head told me I was a failure this year, but I never let it win. Because no matter how many times life knocked me down, I got back up again.

I also learnt to embrace my failures, because without them I wouldn’t have learnt the lessons I did, the lessons I needed to have the success, the lessons that would serve me for years to come. Furthermore, I learnt that there is never really a true failure if you don’t quit.

In my opinion, the only time I would’ve truly failed is if I got knocked down and never got back up again, but I didn’t. I took it in my stride, as we all do, every day, and kept showing up for myself, and my goals.

The truth is, no one is going to do the work for you, and no one is going to want you to achieve your dreams more than you, so if you don’t show up for yourself, who is? A life full of ups and downs is beyond natural, and in fact it paves the path to success. Just remember a winner never quits and a quitter never wins. You got this!

10. Spend more time where your soul feels like it’s at home
Sunsets and sunrises, oceans and mountains, greenery and palm trees, valleys, high rises and rooftops… Where is your soul calling you? Where does your soul feel most at home.

For me it is the fresh air and being able to see or be by the ocean. It is also all of the aforementioned places because I love being surrounded by nature, but at the same time in the feeling of a big city vibe. I need to be somewhere that feels expansive and all of those things give me that.

When I feel the most trapped is when I am stuck in a house or office space where there is no fresh air coming in, no earth to ground my feet on and no sun shining in. I spent so many mornings before I left for the states going for a walk along the beach, feet in the sand and surrounded by tall oak trees, watching a lot of sunrises. But when I was in the US, I found myself almost landlocked, and despite the palm trees (yes, everytime I saw them I was excited like a teenage girl - they really do light my soul up) and sunset, I did struggle not being by the ocean.

Yet every time I was by a big body of water, it was literally like I could hear my heart sing. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. It was the most beautiful reminder that this life is so precious, and our environment can really have an effect on our mental and physical health. For some it is the sunny skies and ocean breeze, for others it’s the mountain tops and snowfall. There is no right or wrong.

So my advice to you is to spend more time in places that you love, with the people that you love, feel grounded and connected to the beautiful earth we live on and watch more sunsets than netflix, you’ll be amazed at just how much your life and love for life changes if you just follow that calling in your soul!


If you made it this far, then I express my sincere gratitude to you and hope that these lessons help you in some way moving into 2024. Sending you an abundance of love and light.

Happy New Year <3

Sheree xo


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


5 Reasons You're Bloated

5 REASONS YOU'RE BLOATED (that has NOTHING to do with the food you’re eating)

8 / NOVEMBER / 2023

Do you often find yourself feeling bloated, regardless of what foods you've eaten? If so, you're not alone. Bloating can be frustrating and uncomfortable, but it's essential to realise that there's often more to it than just certain foods triggering your discomfort.

The good news is that many of my clients discover relief after addressing the root causes of their bloating. Let's dive deeper into why you might be experiencing bloating…

CAUSES OF BLOATING (other than food)

1. Stress: stress plays a more significant role in our digestive health than we might think. When we're under high stress, our body shifts its focus away from digestion and into "fight or flight" mode. This response is meant to prepare us for danger, not for digesting a meal. As a result, digestion slows down significantly, leading to gas and bloating.

2. SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth): SIBO is a condition where there's an overabundance of bacteria in the small intestine, a place where there usually shouldn't be many bacteria. These bacteria ferment food and create gas. This overproduction of gas can leave you feeling bloated and uncomfortable.

3. Not Chewing Your Food: digestion begins in the mouth. The process of breaking down food starts when we chew, mixing it with saliva. This not only makes it easier for the stomach to digest but also allows for better absorption of nutrients. When we don't chew our food thoroughly, larger food particles enter the stomach. These larger particles are more challenging to digest, resulting in gas buildup and bloating.

4. Low Stomach Acid: adequate stomach acid is essential for breaking down the food we eat. It's the first step in the digestive process. When stomach acid is low, it's like trying to start a car with a nearly empty gas tank. The body isn't fully prepared for the food entering the stomach, which can slow down digestion and leave undigested food sitting in the digestive tract for hours. This undigested food contributes to bloating.

5. Dehydration: proper hydration is essential for healthy digestion. When there's an imbalance of fluids and electrolytes, it can lead to constipation. Constipation means that food moves more slowly through the digestive tract, leading to that bloated feeling.


If you're tired of dealing with bloating and want to address the root causes, we're here to help. We understand that it's more than just about what you eat; it's about how your body processes it.

Comment 'BLOAT,' and let's work together to make relief from bloating a reality. Say goodbye to that uncomfortable, frustrating bloated feeling and embrace a healthier, happier digestive system.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Intro To Biohacking What Is It


18 / OCTOBER / 2023

What on earth is biohacking though?

You may have heard the term all over the internet, but you really have no clue what it’s about or why people are talking about it? Don’t worry, I got you!

Biohacking is a vast field with a myriad of strategies and techniques aimed at enhancing human health and well-being. In this blog, we'll delve into four key areas of biohacking that can empower you to optimise your health and vitality.

Essentially, biohacking is all about using science, technology, and lifestyle changes to upgrade your body's performance. Let's get started with a sneak peek into these biohacks.


1. Understanding Your Neurotransmitters

Our journey begins with the fascinating world of neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers in your brain that influence your sleep, energy, and mood. While there are many neurotransmitters, four key players to watch are serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and acetylcholine.

- Serotonin: known as the happiness hormone, it regulates your mood and even plays a role in gut health. Low serotonin levels can lead to depression and poor sleep.

- Dopamine: this is your motivation neurotransmitter. It drives ambition, focus, and that "get up and go" feeling. Managing dopamine can help avoid burnout.

- GABA: think of GABA as your "keep calm and carry on" neurotransmitter. It promotes relaxation and is closely linked to managing anxiety. Balancing GABA and progesterone can be essential for peace and stress resilience.

- Acetylcholine: this neurotransmitter is all about focus, memory, and cognition. It's also needed for muscle movement. Keeping acetylcholine in check can help with mental clarity.

These neurotransmitters are your brain's orchestra, and maintaining harmony among them is crucial for your overall well-being.

2. Saunas and Heat Therapy

The power of saunas and heat therapy lies in their ability to create hormesis, a beneficial form of stress. By exposing yourself to comfortably uncomfortable heat in saunas or infrared therapy, you can reap numerous rewards:

- Circulation and Blood Flow: heat therapy improves blood flow and nutrient delivery, which can help with recovery and vitality.

- Detoxification: sweating helps release toxins, heavy metals, and even excess hormones from your body.

- Stress Reduction: sauna sessions promote relaxation and stress reduction, which can lead to better sleep and hormonal balance.

- Cardiovascular Exercise: heat therapy can mimic cardiovascular exercise by challenging your circulatory system. This is particularly true if you combine it with cold exposure.

3. Ice Baths and Cold Therapy

Ice baths and cold therapy are excellent counterparts to heat therapy. They, too, create hormesis, but by exposing your body to cold conditions. Benefits of cold therapy include:

- Stress Resilience: cold exposure can help you become more resilient to stress as your body learns to tolerate the extra stress on the nervous system and adapt

- Mood and Alertness: cold therapy may lead to increased mood, alertness, and cognitive function, reduced anxiety and improved mental clarity.

- Inflammation Reduction: cold exposure can lower inflammation in the body, which is linked to many chronic health issues, as well as the burning of white fat, which can your boost metabolism

- Strengthened Immune System: studies showed that just 30 seconds of cold showering twice a day reduced sick days at work by 29%

4. Grounding

Grounding, also known as "earthing," involves making direct contact with the earth's surface. Whether you're walking barefoot on the ground or using grounding mats, this practice is thought to have numerous health benefits:

- Stress Reduction: grounding may help reduce stress and promote a sense of calm.

- Inflammation Management: some evidence suggests that grounding can reduce inflammation in the body.

- Improved Sleep: grounding has been linked to better sleep quality and duration.

- Balancing Hormones: grounding has the potential to balance hormones and support overall well-being.


Don't forget that biohacking is a highly personalised journey. Whether you're exploring neurotransmitter balance, diving into saunas, ice baths, or experimenting with grounding, these biohacks can empower you to take control of your health and optimise your well-being.

Experiment, and embrace the world of biohacking to unlock your full potential!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!



INTRO TO BIOHACKING: TRANSFORMING YOUR ENERGY, HEALTH + PRODUCTIVITY! 18 / OCTOBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES What on earth is biohacking though? You may have heard the term all over the internet, but you really have no clue what it’s about or why people are talking about it? Don’t worry, I got you! Biohacking is a vast field with a myriad of strategies and techniques aimed at enhancing human health and well-being. In this blog, we’ll delve into four key areas of biohacking that can empower you to optimise your health and vitality. Essentially, biohacking is all about using …


HOW I LOST 10 LBS WITH EASE AND KEPT IT OFF FOR GOOD 11 / OCTOBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES I am the leanest, lightest, happiest, and healthiest I have been in almost a decade… And it isn’t from being on a diet or doing a protocol or a whole host of supplements that I’ve been taking. It’s from mastering the basics HOW I MASTERED THE BASICS Regulating my nervous system I stopped letting cortisol have a chokehold on my life, and it shows. Your stress levels directly dictate if your body can burn fat, or if it’s stuck …


TOP 10 TAKEAWAYS FROM BRENDON BURCHARD LIVE 4 / OCTOBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES Coaching Summit Austin, Texas Sept 2023 will be forever imprinted in my heart, mind and soul. To say it was life changing would be an understatement 🙌🏽 The people I had the blessing of meeting The connection, joy and pure love that was in the roomThe wisdom, knowledge, growth that was shared Was something rather remarkable On the 14th – 16th of September myself and 1500 other incredible humans gathered together at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas to undertake the Coaching Summit led by …

How I Lost 10lbs With Ease


11 / OCTOBER / 2023

I am the leanest, lightest, happiest, and healthiest I have been in almost a decade…

And it isn't from being on a diet or doing a protocol or a whole host of supplements that I've been taking. It’s from mastering the basics


  1. Regulating my nervous system
    I stopped letting cortisol have a chokehold on my life, and it shows. Your stress levels directly dictate if your body can burn fat, or if it’s stuck in fight-or-flight, burning glucose only.
  2. Eating real foods 80% of the time
    I fundamentally believe food is medicine and we can use it to heal and change our bodies for the better. Of course, everything in moderation, which is why I aim for at least 80% whole foods.
  3. Finding my community
    Having been surrounded by an incredibly supportive and loving community, I’ve had the chance to make connections to fulfil me and help me on my journey.
  4. Drinking 3+ litres of water a day
    This might seem like a lot (I know everyone tells you to stop at 2 litres), but hydration is the single most important thing for your body to function. You need to keep yourself hydrated to shed excess weight, too.
  5. Apple cider vinegar before meals
    This is incredible for avoiding a blood sugar spike (which would normally signal to your body to store more fat over time), as well as reducing blood sugar dips, stabilising your appetite, too.
  6. Moving my body in ways I love
    I’ve always loved training in the gym, BUT there are also other ways in which I move my body daily. I absolutely love walking or doing a soul cycle class. It’s all about balance and finding what works for you.
  7. Listening to my body, always
    I trust in what my body asks for, whether that’s an extra rest day, certain food, practising gratitude and self-care. Most importantly, I give my body the respect it deserves and never talk down on myself!
  8. Spending time in nature
    Absolutely nothing beats getting some sun and fresh air, grounding yourself in nature, and getting some movement in at the same time, too. It’s the most fundamental way to heal, recover, and reduce stress.
  9. Starting my day with movement
    Okay, I talk about how much I love working out but seriously, my favourite thing to do is start my day with any type of movement. This kick starts your metabolism, supports blood sugar levels, and boosts your mood!
  10. Prioritising NEAT every single day
    NEAT stands for non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and refers to ways in which we expend energy aside from exercise-related activity, for example things like walking, cooking, or gardening.
  11. Practising gratitude daily
    And finally... maybe the most important thing for me, and I couldn’t have shed those 10 lbs without this. Gratitude practices help me stay centred and in tune with myself. Plus, this helps reduce stress (cortisol) levels, which as I mentioned is one of the main things you need to prioritise to burn body fat.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!



TOP 10 TAKEAWAYS FROM BRENDON BURCHARD LIVE 4 / OCTOBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES Coaching Summit Austin, Texas Sept 2023 will be forever imprinted in my heart, mind and soul. To say it was life changing would be an understatement 🙌🏽 The people I had the blessing of meeting The connection, joy and pure love that was in the roomThe wisdom, knowledge, growth that was shared Was something rather remarkable On the 14th – 16th of September myself and 1500 other incredible humans gathered together at the JW Marriott in Austin, Texas to undertake the Coaching Summit led by …

Steaming coffee espresso in cup

WHY I’M DRINKING COFFEE AGAIN… 27 / SEPTEMBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES After a 6+ year hiatus 😅 If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ll know it’s always an HBL (hormone balancing latte) in the morning for me, no caffeine What you may not be aware of is WHY Back when I was studying nutrition at University I was consuming caffeine like it was going out of fashion Wake up – black coffee before opening the gym Drive to uni – energy drink During lectures – energy drink Driving home – energy drink to stimulate me …

Concept healthy food and sports lifestyle. Vegetarian lunch. Healthy breakfast. Proper nutrition.

BREAKFAST BOWL RECIPE 23 / AUGUST / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES GF | DF | RSF | Paleo Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutesTotal Time: 25 minutesYields: 1 serving This simple and easy recipe is perfect for breakfast and also ensures you get your protein hit to start the day right! INGREDIENTS –  2 eggs –  ½ cup cooked quinoa–  3 strips of bacon (optional – if you don’t have it, ensure you increase to 3 eggs)–  ⅓ avocado –  2 stalks of kale stem removed–  1 tbsp. sunflower seeds–  1 tsp. olive oil–  3 spears of asparagus, …

Why I Am Drinking Coffee Again


27 / SEPTEMBER / 2023

After a 6+ year hiatus 😅

If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you’ll know it’s always an HBL (hormone balancing latte) in the morning for me, no caffeine

What you may not be aware of is WHY

Back when I was studying nutrition at University I was consuming caffeine like it was going out of fashion

Wake up - black coffee before opening the gym
Drive to uni - energy drink
During lectures - energy drink
Driving home - energy drink to stimulate me for my afternoon clients
Studying after dinner - coffee

And yes I could go straight to sleep after this

My days were 4.30am - 11pm and I’m sure all that was keeping me going was the caffeine running through my veins

I had to drink so much because I was literally so tired all the time, and I thought more caffeine was the answer


It wasn’t until I finished my post grad that I just stopped cold turkey.. any and all caffeine

Suddenly the 10 lbs I’d been trying to lose disappeared, I no longer felt anxious, my moods were more stable and I had an abundance of energy

It wasn’t long after that I learnt what I’d been going through was something they termed back then ‘adrenal fatigue’

The more I looked into it, the more I realised I’d been wiring my nervous system into a chronic sympathetic state

Living in fight or flight constantly by my daily cups of cortisol (aka caffeine)

Fortunately for me, I had stopped the caffeine purely because it wasn’t of need anymore, I’d simply used it for a function and then no longer needed it

I didn’t like the taste, so I didn’t miss it at all

Then learning all the crazy effects it has been having on me was the reason I kept it out

I started noticing this with my clients, even though they didn’t consume anywhere near as much caffeine as me, simply taking a break for 4 weeks was enough

Enough to see stubborn weight shift
Enough to shift their mood highs and lows
Enough to balance our their energy levels
Enough to start seeing a change in their hormones + monthly cycle

So I became the biggest advocate for living caffeine free… until now


Don’t get me wrong, I’d always encourage my clients to try it out, it didn’t mean giving it up for life, just seeing how THEIR body reacted and what served them

And I’ll always continue to advocate for that

But in the past 6 weeks or so, I’ve had more cups of coffee than I have in the last 6 years!!

And my body is handling it so well…

I have noticed a little energy dip in the arvo, but other than that, it hasn’t bought back the same awful side effects I’d been experiencing

And I know a huge part of this is my nervous system is now so much more regulated

My stress levels have drastically dropped, and I’m feeling so much calmer and happier in myself

I’m also making sure I have breakfast with plenty of protein first, and don’t touch a cup until I’ve been up for at least 90 minutes

It’s about working smarter and with your body, rather than against it

Coffee itself has a number of benefits, and just like most things, it has its place, it’s just determining what that is for you

Did you find this helpful? Let me know below 👇🏽


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Concept healthy food and sports lifestyle. Vegetarian lunch. Healthy breakfast. Proper nutrition.

BREAKFAST BOWL RECIPE 23 / AUGUST / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES GF | DF | RSF | Paleo Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 15 minutesTotal Time: 25 minutesYields: 1 serving This simple and easy recipe is perfect for breakfast and also ensures you get your protein hit to start the day right! INGREDIENTS –  2 eggs –  ½ cup cooked quinoa–  3 strips of bacon (optional – if you don’t have it, ensure you increase to 3 eggs)–  ⅓ avocado –  2 stalks of kale stem removed–  1 tbsp. sunflower seeds–  1 tsp. olive oil–  3 spears of asparagus, …

diabetic measurement tools and and white sugar cube on table ,

WHAT’S DISRUPTING YOUR BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS? 13 / SEPTEMBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES I tracked my blood glucose levels for a month, here’s what I found out:       EFFECTS OF HIGH BLOOD SUGAR Energy levels Blood sugar provides the primary source of energy for the body’s cells. Hormone balance Insulin imbalances can affect other hormones in the body. Metabolism High levels of blood sugar can lead to insulin resistance and weight gain. Gut microbiome Blood sugar fluctuations can influence your gut bacteria composition. The best insight of all: I still ate things like pizza and ice cream …


IS THIS REALLY POSSIBLE? 5 / SEPTEMBER / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES As I sit here in complete and utter disbelief at my life… I’m asking myself, is this really happening? To me? If you’d have told me 3 months ago I’d be sitting in the international terminal ready to make the biggest, scariest decision I’ve ever made in my life… I dunno that I would’ve believed you MY DREAM Don’t get me wrong, I’ve wanted for longer than you could possibly imagine to make this dream a reality, but the divine timing and intervention of it all has really …

15 Immune Boosting Foods To Keep You Healthy This Winter


19 / JULY / 2023

Your immune system is your body's defense mechanism against pathogens, viruses, and other harmful invaders.

Keeping it strong and resilient is crucial for maintaining optimal health and well-being. One effective way to support your immune system is by incorporating immune-boosting foods into your daily diet.

These foods are rich in essential nutrients, antioxidants, and bioactive compounds that can strengthen your immune response and help protect against illnesses.

Below are a variety of immune-boosting foods that can provide a natural and delicious way to fortify your immune system. Whether you're looking to ward off seasonal colds, enhance your overall immune health, or simply give your body a nutrient-packed boost, these foods will nourish and empower your body's defense system.


  1. Citrus fruits (e.g., oranges, grapefruits, lemons): rich in vitamin C, which enhances immune cell function and supports the production of antibodies.
  2. Berries (e.g., strawberries, blueberries, raspberries): packed with antioxidants like vitamin C and flavonoids, which help protect immune cells from oxidative damage.
  3. Leafy greens (e.g., spinach, kale, Swiss chard): abundant in vitamins A, C, and E, as well as antioxidants and fibre, all of which support immune function.
  4. Capsicums: high in vitamin C and antioxidants, making them excellent for immune support and reducing inflammation.
  5. Garlic: contains allicin, a compound that has antimicrobial and immune-enhancing properties, helping to strengthen the immune response.
  6. Ginger: possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which can support the immune system and help reduce inflammation.
  7. Turmeric: contains curcumin, a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that may help enhance immune function.
  8. Kiwifruit: packed with vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants, making it a great addition to support immune function and protect against oxidative stress.
  9. Almonds: Almonds are a source of vitamin E, an antioxidant that helps protect immune cells from oxidative damage.
  10. Sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E, selenium, and zinc, all of which play important roles in supporting immune function.
  11. Green tea: Green tea contains flavonoids, antioxidants, and catechins that can boost immune function and reduce inflammation.
  12. Salmon: Salmon is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and support immune cell function.
  13. Mushrooms (e.g., shiitake, maitake, reishi): Certain mushrooms have immune-enhancing properties and contain beta-glucans that can stimulate immune responses.
  14. Probiotic-rich foods (e.g., sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, yoghurt, miso): Probiotics help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, which supports immune function and reduces inflammation.
  15. Bone broth/chicken soup: contains various nutrients, including vitamins A and C, zinc, and protein, which can support immune health and ease symptoms of illness.


Share with me in the comments below which of the above foods you’ll be adding more of into your diet to support your immune system during the winter season.

Yours in Health & Happiness,
Sheree xo


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Metabolic process of woman on diet. Digestion system, food energy, hormone system flat vector illustration. Healthy eating concept for banner, website design or landing web page


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A LETTER FROM MY HIGHER SELF 5 / JULY / 2023 SHEREE’S HEALTH DIARIES Dear Beautiful Soul, You’re not going …

chia pudding