My Favourite Go-To Snack Recipe


11 / SEPTEMBER / 2024

Prep Time: 2 mins
Cook Time: 0 mins
Servings: 1


-  4 to 5 squares of dark chocolate (low sugar variety and at least 70% cocoa)
-  1 cup unsweetened, plain Greek yoghurt (Kalo is my favourite if you’re in NZ)
-  ½ serve of unflavoured protein powder of choice (flavoured is fine too, but I find it too sweet)

Optional extras:
1 tbsp. nut butter or ¼ cup nuts of choice and/or ½ cup berries


  1. Serve yoghurt into a bowl and mix in the protein powder
  2. Chop up the dark chocolate (or grating can be nice too)
  3. Add in the other toppings if you’d like
  4. Enjoy!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


What Your Food Cravings Are Really Trying To Tell You


4 / SEPTEMBER / 2024

Whether it’s chocolate, chips, peanut butter, a steak or even a piece of fruit there’s something your body is trying to communicate with you when you have cravings.

I recently went away with some friends and it was so interesting to observe the cravings they were gravitating towards. After sharing with me what a stressful time they’ve been having (work + family stress) it was obvious to me their cortisol levels would be in a chronically elevated state and they were living in fight or flight.

What they didn’t realise is how incredibly intelligent their body was at ensuring they were getting the extra top up of nutrients they needed.

You see, when we are in a state of fight or flight (aka sympathetic nervous system dominance); we are more stressed - the more stressed we are, the more of certain nutrients we need.

Not only that, but high cortisol levels will suppress the immune system, cause the body to run primarily on glucose and use up a lot of your nutrient stores much faster. Hence why the carb cravings can go through the roof during this time.

So what was my friend craving, and what does it mean?


Chances are if you’re craving chocolate, there’s a magnesium deficiency. The more stressed we are the more magnesium your body uses. Chocolate (particularly dark chocolate) contains high levels of magnesium.

50g of a high quality dark chocolate often contains more magnesium than most good quality magnesium supplements. I recommend getting at least 70%+ dark chocolate with no/low sugar, but I do also recommend that a high quality magnesium supplement is taken daily.

Solution: Magnesium bisglycinate is my go to (to avoid funky bowel movement changes and to calm the nervous system) - dosage starting around 300 mg.

Chips, pretzels, salted nuts… all feedback your adrenals are constantly being stimulated. What do the adrenal glands do? Produce cortisol and adrenaline - hello nervous system again (starting to get the picture?).

Salt isn’t ‘bad’ like we’ve been led to believe. Sodium is one of the most required nutrients in the body, it’s an electrolyte and we need it to keep us hydrated. We’re 70% water after all and detoxification, mood, energy… everything is negatively impacted if we aren’t in a hydrated state.

So, having the salt isn’t the issue, it is normally what the salt is covering - e.g. the fried potato or the gluten filled pretzel. Salted nuts are fine, but often it is the overconsumption of these that affects our goals.

Solution: add kelp or natural salt to your meals, or to your water (yes I know that sounds weird), which is why my go-to is to drink electrolytes. Particularly around my workout or first thing in the morning.

This can be a combination of factors; one it could be the carbs you’re craving to calm down the nervous system (yes they do this). Or it could be the nutrients inside that particular fruit.

In my friend's case, I think it was both. They were eating mandarins like there was no tomorrow! What are mandarins high in? Vitamin C. So not only was the body getting a hit of carbs to help calm down the nervous system from the sugars in the mandarins, but also the extra immune system support from the vitamin C.

Vitamin C can halve our cortisol levels which is great, because chronically elevated cortisol (as aforementioned) suppresses the immune system.

Solution: in periods of higher stress, or just as an added layer of support add in a high vitamin C piece of fruit to your day (e.g. mandarins, oranges, kiwifruit etc), or supplement with 1000 mg of vitamin C.


You can see that for my friend (as for many of my clients), the cravings were all supporting one core imbalance - nervous system dysfunction.

The body is always trying to get back to homeostasis - a place of balance - where the body feels safe and regulated. There are many other cravings that can mean different things too and I am happy to dive into those in another blog (let me know in the comments if you’d like that). But I hope this helps give you a starting point to understand that cravings aren’t there to sabotage you, they’re feedback from the body.

So next time you get a craving, ask yourself… What is my body trying to communicate with me?

With love,
Sheree xo


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Green Goddess Soup


28 / AUGUST / 2024

Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Cook Time: 30-40 minutes
Servings: 2-3 servings


-  100g shredded chicken
-  ½ cup coconut milk
-  1 cup veggie stock or bonebroth
-  2 medium zucchinis(chopped)
-  1 head of broccoli (chopped)
-  1 cup kale (chopped)
-  1 tbsp. olive oil
-  ½ tsp. Cumin
-  ½ tsp. curry powder
-  Salt + pepper to taste


  1. Heat olive oil in a medium pot over medium heat.
  2. Add chopped veggies with seasonings and sauté until soft.
  3. Add veggie stock and coconut milk and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce to a simmer for around 20 – 30 minutes.
  5. Wait for it to cool slightly before adding to a blender, or alternatively use a food processor and blitz until it reaches a creamy smooth consistency.
  6. If need be re-heat slightly in the pot to serve, and add shredded chicken.
  7. Double or quadruple this recipe to make multiple servings for an easy dinner or lunch to heat throughout the week.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


How To Get Rid Of Sugar Cravings For Good


21 / AUGUST / 2024

Tired? You’ll crave sugar.
Hungry for too long? You’ll crave sugar
Stressed out? You’ll crave sugar

There’s not many instances where our body won’t crave sugar if we aren’t giving it what it needs. But your body isn’t trying to work against you…

See, sugar is a quick source of energy, it will pick up your blood sugars, goes directly to the brain and boom… you feel less tired, less hungry and often a little less stressed (because let’s face it, sugar is yum!)

BUT… here’s the catch. It doesn’t last long, and before you know it, you’re back feeling tired, hungry and probably more stressed because you wished you hadn’t indulged in all of that chocolate.


  1. Blood Sugar Dysregulation: aka you’re not eating to support your insulin levels, causing a blood sugar rollercoaster, driving moods, energy, hormones and hunger to be all over the show (and feel out of control)
  2. Gut Dysbiosis: a fancy way of saying you either have too little good bugs, too many bad bugs or a combination of both. It is often too many bad bugs that are driving the sugar cravings because that’s what feeds them and allows them to multiply
  3. Fight/Flight/Freeze: a wired, tired, or frozen nervous system means you’re operating out of a sympathetic state - aka survival. When we live here, we rely on glucose (sugar) to function and therefore need more and crave more carbs to help keep ourselves going and ‘calm’ or as close to it as possible.

None of these are optimal ways to be living, and many of the clients I work with are dealing with a combination of one or more of the above.


Since all of these root causes are a form of stress on the body, we want to help by mitigating the stress and calming down the system. We also know the more stressed we are, the more magnesium we use.

So we start by adding in extra magnesium to your diet, whether this is in the form of a supplement (ideally start with 300mg of magnesium bisglycinate - this is the most bioavailable form of magnesium and won't give you the runs). Or get a high quality dark chocolate with no nasty ingredients, at least 70% cocoa or cacao and very low in sugar (no artificial sweeteners either). Take this daily and watch your sugar cravings disappear.

Also for the month of September in the Conscious Wellness Collective our challenge is ‘CURB THE CRAVINGS’ click here for more info!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


4 Ingredient Clean Chocolate Chip Cookies


14 / AUGUST / 2024

Cook Time: 10 minutes
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 12 cookies


-  2 cups almond flour
-  1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
-  1/4 cup maple syrup
-  1/2 cup dark chocolate chips


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. In a bowl, mix almond flour, melted coconut oil, and maple syrup until well combined. Stir until the ingredients are well incorporated and the dough is smooth. The dough should be slightly sticky but firm enough to hold its shape.
  3. Gently fold in the dark chocolate chips using a spatula, ensuring that they are evenly distributed throughout the dough.
  4. Scoop out small portions of dough (about a tablespoon each) and roll them into balls with your hands. Place each ball onto the prepared baking sheet, spacing them about 2 inches apart. Once all the dough is portioned out, gently press each ball down with your fingers or the back of a spoon to form a cookie shape, about 1/4 inch thick.
  5. Bake for 10 minutes or until the edges are golden brown.
  6. Allow the cookies to cool before enjoying.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


How To Avoid Poor Sleep


7 / AUGUST / 2024

When clients come to me wanting to heal their gut health, balance their hormones, shift stubborn weight, they are always focused on food, and exercise. And I don’t blame them, but unless you get your sleep right, you really aren’t going to get anywhere with the other two.

Sleep literally affects every single physiological function in your body. By that I mean get enough sleep, every single thing your body does from how strong you are to how productive and happy you can be is enhanced. Skimp on sleep or deprive your body of sleep (even just one night), will negatively affect every single function in your body.

Which is why a nighttime routine is so important. Good news is, I’ve made things super simple for you, by sharing 5 ways you can support yourself sleeping better below!


  1. Power Down - at least 2 hours before bed
    Create your own nighttime routine by dimming the lights and closing down your tech buddies – smartphones, laptops, and TVs should hit that do not disturb mode at least 2 hours before bedtime, and ideally be kept out of the bedroom. Bright light is like a wakeup call to your brain + body, so it’s key to start sending the opposite message - that we are powering down more than just our devices.
    The blue light from our devices only makes things worse, it tells the brain there is a party going on, so if you really can’t do the two hours make sure the lights are dim to increase your melatonin production and grab yourself some blue light blocking glasses.
  2. Skip The Nightcap - the alcohol really doesn’t help you sleep
    That glass of wine or two to unwind might seem like a simple way to shuteye, but once that buzz wears off, you’re prone to less restful sleep and more frequent awakenings.
    Instead, replace the nightcap with some magnesium, a sleepy girl mocktail or even some of my favourite soul CBD sleepi gummies! (CODE: SHEREE)

  3. Make the Bedroom for Rest + Play Only - create a sacred space
    Your brain is triggered unconsciously by your environment and the things it does consistently. If your brain is constantly associating your bed with work, the kids sleeping in it, or full of device time, it isn’t going to feel rested when it enters the room.
    Whilst I am not here to judge, the science really does support keeping the bedroom for sleep + sex - both of which require you to unwind and relax! So think about how to make your bedroom more of a relaxing, restful and maybe somewhat raunchy space.
  4. Keep It Cool & Quiet - temperate control is key
    Although we may think we wanna be all snuggly and warm (believe me I still struggle with this). Our body craves a specific temperature for optimal sleep, and it is more on the cool side.
    Ideally our room is between 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit or 15-19 degrees Celsius, to optimise your sleep environment. Also, eliminating any disruptive sounds is key, so think about incorporating a sound machine that plays soothing white, brown, or pink noises. I personally love playing binaural deep sleep beats on a sleep timer to fall asleep to.
  5. Declutter the Mind Before Bed - avoid the wired yet tired feeling
    Michael A. Grandner, Ph.D., an expert in psychiatry from the Behavioral Sleep Medicine program at the University of Pennsylvania suggests if you often find your thoughts racing when you're in bed, it may be because you haven't taken the time to process your day. This can keep your cortisol levels high, reducing your melatonin production causing you to struggle to fall asleep.
    To quote Grandner, "a more effective approach would be to dedicate some time in the evening to reflect on your day, create tomorrow's to-do lists, and clear your mental clutter. Then, climb into bed." I personally love journaling on gratitudes and planning out my next day.

Establishing a nighttime routine or making these changes can feel tough, but they are 100000000000% worth it when you think of the impact even one good night’s sleep can have on your health. So start small and slowly implement these in the months to come!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Smoked Salmon And Avocado Omelette


31 / JULY / 2024

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 10 mins
Servings: 2


- 4 eggs
- 100g smoked salmon
- 1 avocado, sliced
- Handful of cherry tomatoes, halved
- Fresh herbs (dill or chives), chopped
- Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk them until the yolks and whites are fully combined. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper to taste.
  2. Thinly slice the smoked salmon and cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, and slice the flesh thinly.
  3. Halve the cherry tomatoes and chop the fresh herbs (dill or chives) finely.
  4. Place a non-stick skillet or frying pan over medium heat. Allow the pan to heat up for about 1-2 minutes. Lightly coat the pan with a small amount of oil or butter to prevent sticking.
  5. Pour the whisked eggs into the heated pan, swirling the pan gently to ensure the eggs spread out evenly. Let the eggs cook undisturbed for a few minutes until the edges start to set but the centre is still slightly runny.
  6. Once the edges of the omelette have set, evenly distribute the smoked salmon, avocado slices, and halved cherry tomatoes over one half of the omelette.
  7. Sprinkle the chopped fresh herbs over the fillings.
  8. Using a spatula, carefully fold the empty half of the omelette over the filled half to create a half-moon shape. Press down gently to ensure the fillings are enclosed.
  9. Continue to cook the omelette for another 1-2 minutes until the eggs are fully set and the fillings are warmed through. If necessary, you can flip the omelette carefully to cook the other side for an additional minute.

Once fully cooked, slide the omelette onto a plate. Optionally, garnish with a few extra fresh herbs or a light drizzle of olive oil. Enjoy!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


30 Wellness Habits For Optimal Health And Longevity


24 / JULY / 2024

As I entered my 3rd decade on this planet this month, I thought it only fitting to share some of the wellness habits and hacks that I plan to continue into my years ahead (and ones I wish I had started when I was younger)...

Your body is a temple, and in order for me to fulfil my mission and serve as deeply as I know I am meant to, it is important that I treat it as one.


  1. Practice gratitude daily
  2. Get 7-9 hours sleep
  3. Hit the sauna 3 - 4 x week for 20+ minutes each time
  4. Strength train 4 x week
  5. Get out into nature often, daily if possible
  6. Wake with the sunshine and set up your circadian rhythm for success
  7. Say NO if it doesn’t feel aligned, you don’t have to please everybody
  8. Take cold showers daily (except when you’re on your bleed)
  9. Practise lymphatic drainage morning and evening
  10. Dance more, often and as if no one is watching
  11. Take creatine, not just for your muscles, but for your brain health
  12. Walk after big meals to balance your blood sugars
  13. Avoid naked carbohydrates (always put some clothes on - pair carbs with fats or protein to slow the blood sugar spike)
  14. Only take medications when absolutely necessary, there is almost always a natural solution
  15. Get your 8+ hugs a day
  16. Practise self-awareness, manage the stories in your mind, reflect and act from a conscious state and sense of self so you’re always growing and moving forward in a postive direction
  17. Ask for help when you need it, there is no shame, and you know you’d do the same for others
  18. Listen to your body, it knows best and is always trying to communicate with you
  19. Be mindful in the morning even if it is just for 5 minutes, it sets up your day
  20. Drink your coffee 90 minutes after waking and after a high protein breakfast
  21. Fast for a reset, to prevent jet lag and to heal your gut - daily overnight for 12 hours is also helpful
  22. Get your 7.5K+ steps in for your mental and metabolic health
  23. Magnesium is your best friend, don’t go a day without it
  24. Surround yourself with people who are where you want to be, going the places you want to go and constantly challenge you in the best way
  25. Practise giving more than you receive, but be able to receive too
  26. Ditch the perfume, receipts, plastic bottles and containers
  27. Breath consciously, in different ways, it controls your state
  28. Smile, laugh, pray
  29. Eat your leafy greens, and when you think you’ve eaten enough, eat more
  30. LOVE, love hard, love big and don’t be afraid to love again


Whilst these may not be your conventional ‘wellness habits’ they are tools/lessons/tips for your mind, body and soul. I can honestly say that I am so proud of myself and grateful to live by these.

Wellness to me is a way of life. It isn’t just ticking a box, nor is it doing it to be ‘trendy’. I genuinely love living this way and I am incredibly happy for it.

Not all of these 30 may resonate with you, and some may take you many more years to learn, or you may be screeds ahead in some. But I am a huge fan of nailing the basics.

Move your body. Nourish your mind. Love from your soul. In my 30 years (which may seem very young), this is the key to fulfilment, happiness and success.

I’d love to know what you’d add to the list… share it with me in the comments below or email me at


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


Gluten Free BBQ Pork Tacos


17 / JULY / 2024

Prep Time: 20 mins
Cook Time: 6 hours
Servings: 4



-  2 lbs (900g) pork shoulder
-  1 onion, sliced
-  1 cup (240ml) gluten-free BBQ sauce
-  1/2 cup (120ml) gluten-free chicken broth
-  Corn tortillas
-  Coleslaw for topping

If you want to make your own coleslaw you’ll need:
-  2 cups shredded cabbage (green or a mix of green and purple)
-  1 carrot, grated
-  1/4 cup Greek yoghurt
-  1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
-  1 tsp Dijon mustard
-  Salt and pepper to taste

If you want to make a healthy BBQ sauce you’ll need:
-  1 cup tomato puree (or passata)
-  1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
-  2 tbsp Dijon mustard
-  1 tsp smoked paprika
-  1-2 tbsp natural sweetener (like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit sweetener)


  1. Trim any excess fat from the pork shoulder if necessary. Slice the onion into thin rings or half-rings.
  2. Place the sliced onions evenly at the bottom of the slow cooker. This will create a flavorful bed for the pork and prevent it from sticking. Place the pork shoulder on top of the onions.
  3. In a medium bowl, combine the gluten-free BBQ sauce (if you want to make your own BBQ sauce, click here for a recipe) and the gluten-free chicken broth. Stir until well mixed.
  4. Pour the BBQ sauce and chicken broth mixture over the pork shoulder in the slow cooker, ensuring that the pork is well coated.
  5. Set the slow cooker to low, cover and cook for about 6 hours. The pork should be tender and easy to pull apart with a fork when it's done.
  6. After 6 hours, carefully remove the pork shoulder from the slow cooker and place it on a large plate or cutting board. Using two forks, shred the pork into bite-sized pieces. If you prefer, you can also shred the pork directly in the slow cooker.
  7. Return the shredded pork to the slow cooker and mix it with the remaining sauce and onions. This will ensure the pork is well-coated and flavorful.
  8. Warm the corn tortillas in a dry skillet over medium heat for about 30 seconds on each side, or until they are pliable and slightly toasted. Alternatively, you can warm the tortillas in the microwave by wrapping them in a damp paper towel and heating them for about 20-30 seconds.
  9. Place a generous amount of the shredded BBQ pulled pork onto each warm corn tortilla. Top the pork with a spoonful of coleslaw. You can use store-bought coleslaw (check the dressing isn’t full of seed oils) or make your own with shredded cabbage, carrots, and a gluten free seed oil free dressing.
  10. Serve the tacos immediately while they are warm. You can add additional toppings such as chopped cilantro, sliced jalapeños, or a squeeze of lime if desired.



-  2 cups shredded cabbage (green or a mix of green and purple)
-  1 carrot, grated
-  1/4 cup Greek yoghurt
-  1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
-  1 tsp Dijon mustard
-  Salt and pepper to taste


  1. In a large bowl, combine the shredded cabbage and grated carrot.
  2. In a small bowl, mix together the Greek yoghurt, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper until well combined.
  3. Pour the dressing over the cabbage and carrot mixture.
  4. Toss everything together until the vegetables are evenly coated with the dressing.
  5. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.
  6. Serve immediately or refrigerate for a bit to let the flavours meld together.

This simple, healthy coleslaw is the perfect crunchy, tangy addition to your BBQ Pulled Pork Tacos. Enjoy!


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!


5 Ingredient Healthy BBQ Sauce Recipe


17 / JULY / 2024


-  1 cup tomato puree (or passata)
-  1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
-  2 tbsp Dijon mustard
-  1 tsp smoked paprika
-  1-2 tbsp natural sweetener (like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit sweetener)


  1. In a medium saucepan, combine the tomato puree, apple cider vinegar, Dijon mustard, smoked paprika, and natural sweetener.
  2. Place the saucepan over medium heat and bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and let the sauce simmer for about 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it thickens to your desired consistency.
  4. Taste the sauce and adjust the sweetness if needed. Add more sweetener for a sweeter sauce.
  5. Remove the sauce from heat and let it cool completely.
  6. Transfer the BBQ sauce to an airtight container or jar and store it in the refrigerator for up to one week.

This simple BBQ sauce is perfect for adding flavour to your BBQ Pulled Pork Tacos or any other dishes you enjoy.


Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!