Why I avoid horror flicks (for my health) …. And not just because I’m a scaredy-cat.
Even though I might actually hate scary movies because they are well… SCARY haha, there’s another reason I avoid them, and that is to do with taking care of my nervous system.
Scary movies or tv shows send your body into fight or flight response – activating your sympathetic nervous system and increasing the cortisol circulating around your body due to the sensory overload you’re experiencing
This then wreaks havoc on your hormones because unfortunately your body isn’t aware you’re watching the scary movie for ‘fun’ and genuinely thinks your life is in danger. So it does all it can to protect you
Scary movies aren’t the only thing that puts us into sensory overload, we are bombarded with these things on a daily basis including:
– loud noises like phones ringing, and honking cars
– rapid visual effects in movies + games, flickering of screens
– radio + EMF waves
– fluorescent lighting
– extreme work hours + workload
… and of course the violence in things like scary movies
You may be prone to experiencing sensory overload if you are consistently doing any of the following:
– listening to music at a high volume whilst training
– watch or play fast-moving or violent movies/video games often or before bed
– stare at a computer screen for a large portion of your day
– always have music on in the background
– constantly exposed to fluorescent lighting throughout the day
This not only affects our hormones, but our neurotransmitters, particularly one called GABA which is what helps keep us calm and our anxiety at bay
If this is resonating, then here’s what you can do…
1. See what of the sensory overload you can reduce/remove
2. Create time and space for silence and stillness throughout your day
3. Consider adding in some GABA supporting compounds such as lemon extract, passionflower extract or CBD oil
Where will you start with boosting your immune system? Let me know in the comments below.
Yours in Health & Happiness,
Sheree xo
Boundless – Ben Greenfield
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!