Prep Time: 2 minutes
Cook Time: 8 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes
Yields: 30 – 40 gummies
One of the most common questions I get asked is “do I have to eat before I exercise?”
Short answer. YES.
Unless you are doing a walk or fasted cardio (with no resistance), then you are going to need something before you train. Especially first thing in the morning
But look, I get it. I personally cannot stomach a meal or anything remotely close to a ‘breakfast’ if I am exercising in the morning, so when I learnt a little trick it not only helped my training but my clients massively.
The trick is to pop a little honey under the tongue as that little glucose (sugar) hit tricks your brain into thinking it has had a meal, it is absorbed super quickly and breaks your fast so that you don’t start breaking down your muscles to use as a fuel source (and nope your body doesn’t automatically burn fat first thing in the morning if you start exercising).
Which is why having something before you train is super important.
These gummies actually tick a lot of boxes for such a small little snack… especially in the workout space you see not only do you have the honey for the ‘snack hack’, but the pomegranate juice contains polyphenol antioxidants that help your body get the oxygen and nutrients it needs during exercise as they increase nitric oxide bioavailability.
The pomegranate also helps rejuvenate mitochondria (the little powerhouses of your cells) which is what allows us to get the energy to exercise too. Amazing huh!?
I recommend having 2 – 3 of these if you’re needing a little something in the morning to get you going, or if you need a quick snack before the gym on those days you’re in a bit of a rush!
Side note: the gelatin is amazing to support gut health and repair gut lining, so these gummies are a win win! Check out the recipe below 🙂
– 1 cup pomegranate juice
– 4 tbsp. gelatin (I used the nutra organics natural grass fed unflavoured)
– 3 tbsp. honey
(as adapted from @boobtofood)
As always, if you do make this, be sure to tag me on social media @shereehannahwellness and let me know what you think 🙂
Yours in Health,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!