First off, let me start by saying the OVULATION isn’t just about falling pregnant, it plays a massive role in our overall health! In fact, it is the MAIN EVENT of your cycle… NOT your period!
Ovulation is essential to having healthy, well-balanced hormones in women during their menstrual years. It occurs between day 13 – 21 of your cycle and only happens for ONE day.
Fortunately the ovulatory phase is anywhere from 3 – 4 days, so you do get the beautiful benefits during that time too… and of course a much happier, healthier second half of your cycle, as ovulation plays a key role in producing other key hormones such as progesterone and estradiol (main form of estrogen).
Ovulation is not simply the time you are the most fertile, nor is it just about the release of an egg, although this is extremely significant, when it comes to our health we want to ovulate for a number of other reasons too…
The first sign that a women may have a health problem is anovulatory cycles (missing ovulation) and/or irregular periods, and can be indicative of an underlying issue with our metabolic health, adrenals, pituitary gland, thyroid, endocrine system, ovares or hypothalamus.
In fact, without ovulation, it’s not even considered a REAL period! BTW… You will not ovulate if you are on the pill (or many other hormonal contraceptives).
So, let’s get to it, and make sure you are in fact ovulating!
1. Cervical Mucus
This is an important sign and put first because it actually tells you a lot of information. Our cervical mucus changes in the lead up to your Big ‘O’ (ovulation) and tends to go whiter, thicker, creamier, stickier and form an egg white type consistency.
Now, this doesn’t look the same for everyone, but if it is happening a few days before you are due for ovulation (~day 14), then it is a really good sign! The most important thing is to look at the pattern for your normal. It is also important to note down when this happens, as you can get a second wave of this mucus, but it isn’t a second ovulation. Which is why we need step two if you want to track properly!
2. Basal Body Temperature
This is a great indicator for whether you have ovulated or not… if you are using this for contraceptive purposes, then just relying on your body temp alone is not going to help, because your temperature rises AFTER ovulation.
If there is no rise, then you most likely didn’t ovulate. However, we are not looking for a massive spike in ovulation, it can be as little as 2/10ths of an increase, for example going from 97.4°F/36.4°C and 97.6°F/36.6°C and it should stay elevated for the remainder of that cycle.
Key thing here is to track at the same time every morning for the most accurate reading, with an oral thermometer.
3. Cervical Position
Now this final one can vary depending whether or not you have had children. If not then your cervix will be closed after ovulation, however if you have had children it will never fully close.
When you are ovulating, your cervix will be softer, open and higher… your body is trying to make it as easy to conceive as possible, so it makes sense right!
And if you aren’t quite comfortable with checking your cervix position, here are a few other signs you might be ovulating: increased sex drive, confidence, strength, energy and motivation. Glowing skin and fuller lips can also happen around ovulation…
Remember your body’s goal every month is to conceive whether you want it to or not so it is doing all it can to make you more attractive to a mate!
So there you have it, 3 key ways to tell if you are ovulating! Did you find this helpful? Please share with me in the comments below!
Also… If you are worried you might not be ovulating and want to get your cycle back in sync my 12-week signature program Reclaim Your Radiance will help you balance your hormones and get you ovulating regularly! Click here to apply!
Yours in Health,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!