Crazy to think that just last week, I was on my third day, of my third 4-day fast for my gut healing journey! I never would’ve thought that I could not eat for 4 days, never mind choose to repeatedly do it!
So whilst you may be thinking that I am slightly crazy too, the benefits and how incredible I felt during the fast was TOTALLY worth it!! So much so, that I thought I would share a little more of my journey with you!
If you missed the first recap or want to know a little more about the process I am talking about, check out the blog I wrote all about it HERE.
With this being the third time I did the process, and aware of what has worked well in the past, I really wanted to test my limits this time around, and use my body as a science experiment (as always).
In previous rounds, my sleep wasn’t that optimal, so I modified the protocol, then I also took a little more rest the second round, and so this time I wanted to test just how much I can push my body on next to no fuel, just nutrients to support my gut! With the intention of just seeing what was possible.
So, I carried on with my normal exercise routine over the 4 days, which is inclusive of 3 x yoga sessions, 3 x strength training sessions, 1 x teaching a hiit workout, and 1 x dance class. The only thing that ended up changing was one of the strength trainings was swapped to teaching another hiit workout.
Whilst I am aware this is actually a lot, and I normally drop down to just a walk or yoga during this time, I was actually astounded at how well my body handled it. I timed things right with the little intake of fuel I did have and I was super high energy and high vibe the entire time!
One of the incredible benefits of the fast is the energy levels skyrocket, and I actually noticed they got even better with all the extra training! I was so happy, and so impressed with how well my body handled it!
However, with every up, there is a down… and this is where I noticed my body took a bit of a hit. My sleep suffered. Whilst I didn’t wake up during the night (massive bonus), my deep sleep was terrible! Averaging around 45 minutes per night, whereas in comparison to last time when I rested more, I was averaging 3 – 4 hours!
This was a true testament to the fact that your body really does need food for optimal recovery. Right! The body is looking for carbohydrates primarily, and then protein after a workout and fasting does not provide that. So, my heart rate was staying elevated through the night trying to help me recover.
Fortunately the energy was still fantastic through the day even after the sleep wasn’t that great, but it has shown me that even though it feels really great at the time, it might not be the best option during the fast. Considering the purpose of the fast is healing.
Other than that, I noticed that this third round was better than the other rounds by far, I was a little more hungry (as to be expected with more training), but other than that my body responded the best it has ever!
I also altered the post protocol slightly this round and have updated the protocol inside the 4-day GUT FAST TRACK to make sure that everyone who does it gets the benefits of an additional cleanse that I found super helpful and is well backed by science!
If you’re curious about more of my journey I documented it all on Instagram LIVES that are now IGTV episodes that you can watch @strengthen.heal.nourish
If you want to try this out for yourself, you can grab the step by step process and protocol here! Be sure to let me know how you get on and tag me during the process! Enjoy the benefits!
Yours in Health,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!