And how I am supporting mine whilst having long C*VID
1. Ice Baths/Cold Showers
These have an extremely positive effect on the immune system, enhancing detoxification, reducing pain and inflammation, and research supports even 30 seconds of cold showering daily reduced sick days by 29%
Recommendation – finish your daily shower with 30 seconds of cold water
2. Saunas
Saunas also support our detoxification pathways flushing our blood without producing extra metabolic waste, enhances sleep, increases immune activity, anti-inflammatory response and autophagy (cells destroying/breaking the parts of them that are damaged or abnormal)
Recommendation – 3 x week for 20 minutes
3. Probiotics
Supplementing with probiotics is amazing for immune support as they can inhibit growth of the pathogens (bad bugs), and compete for the nutrients the pathogens need to survive. We also know that 70% of the immune system lives in the gut and not having enough good guys can leave us wide open to infection
Recommendation – 3 month dose of high quality probiotic with at least 10 billion CFU’s, @bepurewellness do a great over the counter one
4. Exercise
Regular exercise helps regulate the immune system as anti-inflammatory cytokines (immune-modulating agents) are released, and lymphatic system is increased supporting detoxification, and elimination as well as building resilience
Recommendation – moderate intensity exercise for no more than 90 minutes (5 – 7 x week)
5. Sunshine
Or more importantly the vitamin D we get from sunshine is reported to have significant effects on the immune system, from reducing inflammation, releasing antimicrobial peptides, and reducing incidence of respiratory infections
Recommendation – 10 to 30 minutes of sun exposure (without sunscreen), a few times per week
6. Sleep
Or lack thereof has a significant impact on how well your immune system functions, studies show whilst adequate sleep promotes healthy immune system function, one way of which promoting your immunological memory, lack of sleep disrupts the immune system and can cause more inflammation and decrease its function
Recommendation – 7 – 9 hours per night, more if you are sick or recovering from illness
7. Whole real foods
Our bodies require a huge number of micro and macronutrients to support our immune system and oxidative stress. Studies reported that infection and incidence of illness decreased through consuming vitamins and minerals through whole real food sources
Recommendation – consume a diet rich in a variety of colour, fruits and veggies from natural sources daily
Where will you start with boosting your immune system? Let me know in the comments below
Yours in Health & Happiness,
Sheree xo
Cohen M. Turning up the heat on COVID-19: heat as a therapeutic intervention F1000 Research 2020, 9:292
Buijze GA et al. (2016) The Effect of Cold Showering on Health and Work: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PLoS ONE 11(9): e0161749
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!