At Sheree Hannah Wellness, we know one thing’s for sure, how you spend your morning, is shaping how you spend your life!
The key to a good day is a great morning routine!
However, I have worked with numerous clients who’s morning routine is practically non-existent, and does not include one key thing that will make all the difference to your hormones and your energy levels…
They aren’t lying when they say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Especially for us females!
When it comes to breakfast, I have always struggled, believe it or not, as a kid I used to refuse to have breakfast or convince mum to just get me chocolate milk (:O I know!!)
What I know now that I didn’t know back then, was how much damage I was doing to my body by skipping breakfast!
Not only was I not starting the day off without any nutrients (hello, no energy!), but I was adding more stress to my body (say hello to higher cortisol levels)!
When we miss our first meal of the day, we throw our blood sugar levels out of whack, and if they’re unhappy, so is insulin and if insulin is unhappy, well let’s just say it’s a domino effect from that point on!
If you don’t stabilise your insulin levels, you honestly have no hope in stablising your the rest of your hormones! It’s no wonder females everywhere are battling with PMS, period pain, hormonal headaches, tiredness, low libido… the list goes on!
So, because I know the battle when it comes to having breakfast, when I accidently made this delicious smoothie, I knew I had to share it! It’s become a lifesaver!
Whip it up in less than 5 minutes, with less than 5 ingredients! It’s a WINNER in my books! Check it out! (Your hormones will thank you for it!)
– 1 cup frozen blueberries
– 1 tbsp. @picspeanutbutter Pic’s + Whittaker’s Chocolate Peanut Butter
– 2 tbsp. @mitchells.nz Bone Broth Protein Powder
– 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or dairy free milk alternative of your choosing)
OPTION: add 1 cup of ice if you want to make it into a smoothie bowl
Add all the above ingredients into a blender… and BLEND!! Until it is at the desired consistency and well mixed!
Don’t be surprised if this becomes your new favourite breakfast!
If you do make this, be sure to tag me on social media @strengthen.heal.nourish and let me know what you think! I hope you love it as much as I do!
Yours in Health,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!