“All Disease Begins in the Gut” – Hippocrates (nearly 2500 years ago).
Believe it or not, gut health was seen in such high regard nearly 25 centuries ago! Hippocrates knew what he was talking about, unfortunately, something got lost along the way, and it seems only now, that we are starting to really focus on this area of our health again!
Considering that 70% of your immune system lives in your gut, 95% of your serotonin (happy hormone) is produced there, and your gut is now considered your second brain… it is about time we paid more attention to it!
One of the biggest indicators of our health, as taboo as it might be to talk about, is you POOP!
This is the first thing I focus on with my clients, and actually gives us a lot of insight! Your timing, type, frequency, colour, consistency are all indicative of health! Take the bristol stool chart below, a great way to see where your gut health is at…
What are we looking for? Well your ideal poops look like:
Type 3 – 4 on a bristol stool chart, are easy to pass, brown in colour, well formed and held together.
Other things to focus on include: ensuring you are having at least one bowel movement per day, passing around 30cm a day and that the poop sinks!
If you aren’t having consistent poops like this, then chances are your gut could do with some time, care and extra attention! It is exactly what I focus on with my clients and inside Reclaim Your Radiance (your natural solution to healing your gut).
If you poops are not daily, the body can be reabsorbing the toxins it is meant to eliminate, if you are finding that they are too loose or hard to pass, there is something that needs to be attended to, to optimise your digestion, something in your digestive tract isn’t working at best, or maybe you need more water or more fibre.
If the colour is anything but a brown colour, they all indicate different things going on in the body, and if your poop floats, then chances are you aren’t digesting your fats well enough!
These are all markers of good health, not just good gut health, but good health in general! And if you want to make sure your gut is healthy and happy, I suggest taking a better look at your stools!
If you need extra support, then check out RYR here… it may just be the solution you are looking for!
Yours in Health,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!