Make my morning coffee with me… one that doesn’t give you the jitters, supports you hormones, energy and increases focus, grounding you into your day.
PSA: if you’re starting your day with a cup of coffee, you’re going to be messing up your hormones
Our bodies are designed to be in sync with our natural circadian rhythm, and having a coffee first thing upon waking, or even before breakfast can really leave your system out of sorts
As a holistic nutritionist I not only advocate for my clients to have a cup of coffee after 90 minutes of waking to support their hormones, but adding in some extra ingredients to really support their energy and focus (+ reduce the anxiety that can come with it).
– 1 x espresso shot (I love @rudecoffee nootropic coffee for added benefits of l-theanine + MCT oil)
– 1 x serve of @mitchells.nz Bone Broth Protein Powder
– 1 dash of organic cream (or butter/MCT oil)
Optional extras:
– 1 tsp. @seleno.health cacao powder (use ‘SHEREE10’ for 10% off)
– 1 tsp. @seleno.health maca powder (use ‘SHEREE10’ for 10% off)
Just mix it all together with a frother and add hot water!
The protein powder combined with the healthy fats (cream/butter/MCT oil) allows for a slower release of the cortisol spike that comes with coffee, which increases our mental clarity, energy and focus. I also love the cacao (for magnesium + chocolatey taste) and maca for its energising and hormone supporting effects.
Will you give it a try?
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!