‘DEAR BODY… Please forgive me!
I’m sorry for all the years of abuse
I’m sorry for all the harsh words I’ve said about you
I’m sorry for all the terrible thoughts I’ve had about you
I’m sorry for the times I’ve hidden you, punished you, and sabotaged you.
I’m sorry for failing to care for you and hate you when you were doing the best you could.
Today, I’d like to thank you….
Thank you for providing me with the one true home I live in every single day.
Thank you for still showing up for me everyday when I failed to nourish you.
Thank you for still providing me with the energy to function when I put you through burnout.
Thank you for not giving up on me when I exerted you with exercise.
Thank you for allowing me to move and teach and coach even through injury.
Thank you for now supporting me as I continue to nourish you back to health the best I can.
To love you for where you are right now
To love all of you, every roll, curve, freckle, muscle and squish of cellulite
To speak about you as if I was talking lovingly to my 8 year old self
To clear out the negative thoughts if ever they appear
To fuel you with nutrients to help us THRIVE
To give you enough rest so you can SHINE
To train in a healthy way so you are STRONG
To stand proud and show up for you, knowing that you have been with me through thick and thin and still showed up for me.
I PROMISE to be the happiest, healthiest, strongest and most empowered version of myself in the body that I have been blessed with!
With Love,
Sheree x’
So, often we hate on ourselves, judge, compare and develop a low self-esteem because we wish our bodies looked or felt different.
This is my letter to my body, and my belief that we should flip our mindset, deeper than self-love, but self-compassion and gratitude for all that we put our bodies through on a daily basis.
Look after your one true home… It’s doing its best to look after you! To the girl I was then… I forgive you!
P.S. What is your #1 promise to your body?
Yours in Health & Happiness,
Sheree xo
Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer & Wellness Coach I empower women like you to transform their lives, understand their bodies and feel their best from the inside out!