FAT STORAGE, WEIGHT LOSS & HORMONES: what you need to know as a woman

16 / OCTOBER / 2024

STOP eating less and moving more hoping for weight loss. Weight loss is different for women. You need to reset your hormones to reset your metabolism

As females, your metabolism is governed by your hormones. The primary hormones women typically think are the problem are estrogen + progesterone. THESE ARE NOT THE ANSWER

Think of your hormones as a funnel, what happens at the top, affects the ones at the bottom. Therefore, we have to start with cortisol + insulin:


–  Insulin is a hormone released when you eat (particularly carbs)
–  It’s main job is to help move sugar from your blood into your cells to use for energy
–  When you eat, blood sugar rises and insulin acts like a key, unlocking cells to let the sugar in
–  If your body is sensitive to insulin, it uses it to control blood sugars effectively
–  To support your metabolism you need increased insulin sensitivity to help balance your blood sugars + your hormones

Actionable items to support insulin sensitivity:


–  going for a walk after a meal even for 10 minutes increases insulin sensitivity and the body’s ability to regulate glucose (blood sugars)

–  lift some heavy sh*t – weight training is one of the best ways to re-sensitise insulin

Macros + meal timing

–  no, not counting your macros or calories, but getting enough protein and not-skipping meals will keep your blood sugar levels stable

Metabolic support

–  sometimes your body needs a little extra help, supplements like inositol can give your body extra assistance in regulating your blood sugars making it easier for insulin to do its job.


–  Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone. It’s released during times of stress (emotional, physical, or even lack of sleep).

–  It’s always trying to help you + keep you safe
regulating energy, anti-inflammatory effects, enhances mental clarity, and balances your immune response


–  But when cortisol levels remain high due to chronic stress, it can cause your body to store fat, particularly around the belly, and disrupt other hormones, including insulin.

–  If your body is constantly in a stressed state, your metabolism slows, and it becomes harder to lose weight


–  Aka you are stuck in ‘fight or flight’ and your body doesn’t burn fat only glucose

–  To get your body burning fat again, you need to regulate your nervous system so your body feels safe

Actionable items to support balanced cortisol:


–  the easiest way to communicate to the body that it is safe and can move out of ‘fight or flight’ is through breaths

–  take 5-6 deep belly breaths when you wake, are stuck in traffic, before meals to teach the body it is safe consistently

Bedtime routine

–  cortisol thrives on having a regular rhythm – your circadian rhythm to be exact, get your 7-9 hours.

–  keep your bedtime consistent, stay away from screens and do something that helps you wind down + feel calm before bed

Balanced exercise

–  exercise is a form of stress on the body, HIIT workouts are the biggest stress and if our nervous system is already wired these can do more harm than good

–  focus on lifting weights, going for walk and keep the HIIT to max 2 x per week in your follicular + ovulatory phase

Remember more isn’t always better… slowing down communicates safety and restriction isn’t the solution

Focus on these 3 M’s & B’s and your body will feel safe enough to burn fat and have happy hormones!